React Grid
Data grid for React.
React Grid is available via npm.
npm install adazzle-react-grid --save
Or if you'd like to use bower, it's as easy as:
bower adazzle-react-grid --save
React Grid comes in two flavours. A basic uneditable data grid as well as a more advanced datagrid that attempts to provide a rich excel like experience with filtering, sorting, copy/paste, cell drag down, custom editors and formatters.
To use the basic grid, just include the following files
<script src=""></script>
<script src="adazzle-react-grid/dist/ReactGrid.Grid.js"></script>
or if using CommonJs
var Grid = require('adazzle-react-grid');
To use the advanced features, add these files to your page
<script src=""></script>
<script src="adazzle-react-grid/dist/ReactGrid.Grid.WithAddons.js"></script>
<script src="adazzle-react-grid/dist/ReactGrid.Grid.Editors.js"></script>
<script src="adazzle-react-grid/dist/ReactGrid.Grid.Formatters.js"></script>
or if using CommonJs
var ExcelGrid = require('adazzle-react-grid/addons');
var GridEditors = require('adazzle-react-grid/editors');
var GridFormatters = require('adazzle-react-grid/formatters');
Building Your Copy of React Grid
The process to build reactGrid.js
is built entirely on top of node.js, using many srcraries you may already be familiar with.
- You have
installed at v0.10.0+
run npm install
You can then just run gulp
this will:
- compile all the jsx into js
- wrap up all the examples registered under
- compile less -> css
- fire up a server and open a test page
We use gulp to automate many tasks. Look in gulp/tasks
folder to see full list. The important ones to know:
gulp dist
gulp tests-launch
gulp styles
gulp clean
Adding examples
To add any other examples, you just need to:
- Add a .js file under the examples folder that returns a react component by
module.exports = someNewExample
- in examples\index.js register this by adding
components.push({id:'Name for your component', module:require('./nameOfYourFile') });
This will then add a new menu to the examples.html page
we are using jasmine for tests and these can either be run in a standalone page by running gulp tests-launch
*note: you need to run bower install
For automation, we are using karma
To run the tests use gulp tests
To watch for file changes, use gulp tdd
this is a work in progress, and wont watch your files unless you first run gulp tests-build
to do our react/browserify transforms
React Grid is free software created by [Prometheus Research][] and is released
under the MIT.