yarn add add-query-params-to-url
npm i add-query-params-to-url -S
Lightweight ( < 1kb) helper to add query parameters to a url GET request.
const addParams = require('add-query-params-to-url');
// or
import addParams from 'add-query-params-to-url'
const params = {
auth: 'bearer',
token: '12345',
username: 'ynautwobbuffet',
password: '42069'
const url = "";
fetch(addParams(params, url), {
method: 'GET'
// url argument is optional, it just prepends the formatted parameters to the end of the url.
auth: 'bearer',
token: '12345',
username: 'ynautwobbuffet',
password: '42069'
})}`, {
method: 'GET'
If you'd prefer to just copy the code instead
of installing this it's just this:
exports.addParams = function (params, url) {
return url + "?" + Object.entries(params).map(function (x) { return (x[0] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(x[1])); }).join("&");