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Helpers for Node.js addons and dependency packages

  • 3.0.0
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Addon Tools

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Helpers for Node.js addons and dependency packages:

  • consoleLog() C++ implementation.
  • EventEmitter C++ implementation.
  • C++ macros and shortcuts.
  • Crossplatform commands for GYP: cp, rm, mkdir.
  • Regarded platforms: win x32/x64, linux x32/x64, mac x64.

Useful links: V8 Ref, Nan Docs, GYP Docs.





Crossplatform commands

Class EventEmitter

Function consoleLog



Crossplatform commands
'variables': {
	'rm'    : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').rm()")',
	'cp'    : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').cp()")',
	'mkdir' : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').mkdir()")',

On both Windows and Unix those are the console commands for various
file system operations. No need for GYP conditions, yay!
Addon binary directory
'variables': {
	'binary' : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').bin()")',

In some cases, you'd like to have your addon installed for multiple architectures
simultaneously. For example, when using NVM to fluently switch environments.
Because the target directory is different for each arch, you only have to do
`npm rebuild` after the first switch.
Include directories
	'include_dirs': [
		'<!@(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').include()")',

Those are the directory paths to C++ include files for Addon Tools and Nan
(which is preinstalled with Addon Tools)
Remove intermediates
	[ 'OS=="linux"', { 'action' : [
	] } ],
	[ 'OS=="mac"', { 'action' : [
	] } ],
	[ 'OS=="win"', { 'action' : [
	] } ],

Build-files can be removed in a separate build-step with `<(rm)`. Those are
usually PDB and OBJ files, which are rather big. However, in case of a hardcore
debug session you might want to comment this out.

Binary dependency package

If you design a module with binary dependencies for several platforms, Addon Tools would encourage you to abide by the following rules:

  • Your binary directories are:

    • bin-win32
    • bin-win64
    • bin-linux32
    • bin-linux64
    • bin-mac64
  • The following piece of code in your index.js without changes. Method paths() is described here.

    module.exports = require('addon-tools-raub').paths(__dirname);
  • Your whole binding.gyp:

    Show binding.gyp
    	'variables': {
    		'rm'   : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').rm()")',
    		'rem'  : '<!(node -e "require(\'.\').rem()")',
    		'XALL%': 'false',
    	'targets': [
    			'target_name' : 'remove_extras',
    			'type'        : 'none',
    			'conditions'  : [['XALL=="false"', {'actions': [
    					'action_name' : 'Unnecessary binaries removed.',
    					'inputs'      : [],
    					'outputs'     : ['build'],
    					'action'      : ['<(rm)', '-rf', '<@(rem)'],

    Notice the XALL variable here. If the package is installed with npm i, then quite expectedly all but the required arch directories are removed. But with npm i --XALL you can keep all the binaries. It might be useful when debugging multiple archs and switching Node.js versions with NVM.

Compiled addon

It is easy to build a C++ addon with Addon Tools. To have a full picture, you can view the official example.

The main file for an addon is binding.gyp. Here's a snippet with most of the features.

  • Assume EXT_LIB is the name of an Addon Tools compliant binary dependency module.
  • Assume MY_ADDON is the name of this addon.
  • Assume C++ code goes to cpp directory.
	'variables': {
		'rm'              : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').rm()")',
		'cp'              : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').cp()")',
		'mkdir'           : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').mkdir()")',
		'binary'          : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').bin()")',
		'EXT_LIB_include' : '<!(node -e "require(\'node-deps-EXT_LIB-raub\').include()")',
		'EXT_LIB_bin'     : '<!(node -e "require(\'node-deps-EXT_LIB-raub\').bin()")',
	'targets': [
			'target_name': 'MY_ADDON',
			'sources': [
			'include_dirs': [
				'<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').include()")',
			'library_dirs': [ '<(EXT_LIB_bin)' ],
			'conditions': [
						'libraries': [
						'libraries': [
						'libraries': [ 'EXT_LIB.lib' ],
						'defines' : [
						'msvs_version'  : '2013',
						'msvs_settings' : {
							'VCCLCompilerTool' : {
								'AdditionalOptions' : [
									'/O2','/Oy', # Comment this for debugging
									# '/Z7', # Unomment this for debugging
							'VCLinkerTool' : {
								'AdditionalOptions' : ['/OPT:REF','/OPT:ICF','/LTCG']
			'target_name'  : 'make_directory',
			'type'         : 'none',
			'dependencies' : ['MY_ADDON'],
			'actions'      : [{
				'action_name' : 'Directory created.',
				'inputs'      : [],
				'outputs'     : ['build'],
				'action': ['<(mkdir)', '-p', '<(binary)']
			'target_name'  : 'copy_binary',
			'type'         : 'none',
			'dependencies' : ['make_directory'],
			'actions'      : [{
				'action_name' : 'Module copied.',
				'inputs'      : [],
				'outputs'     : ['binary'],
				'action'      : ['<(cp)', 'build/Release/MY_ADDON.node', '<(binary)/MY_ADDON.node'],
			'target_name'  : 'remove_extras',
			'type'         : 'none',
			'dependencies' : ['copy_binary'],
			'actions'      : [{
				'action_name' : 'Build intermediates removed.',
				'inputs'      : [],
				'outputs'     : ['cpp'],
				'conditions'  : [
					[ 'OS=="linux"', { 'action' : [
					] } ],
					[ 'OS=="mac"', { 'action' : [
					] } ],
					[ 'OS=="win"', { 'action' : [
					] } ],

Then require the built module like this:

const { binPath } = require('addon-tools-raub');
const core = require(`./${binPath}/MY_ADDON`);


There is a C++ header file, addon-tools.hpp, shipped with this package. It introduces several useful macros and utilities. Also it includes Nan automatically, so that you can replace:

// #include <v8.h> // already in node.h
// #include <node.h> // already in nan.h
#include <nan.h>


#include <addon-tools.hpp> // or event-emitter.hpp

In gyp, the include directory should be set for your addon to know where to get it. As it was mentioned above, this can be done automatically. Also an actual path to the directory is exported from the module and is accessible like this:

require('addon-tools-raub').include() // implicit console.log()
require('addon-tools-raub').includePath // just a string

Currently, there are following helpers in addon-tools.hpp:

Handle scope
  • NAN_HS - creates a HandleScope. Also, you do not need them within NAN_METHOD, NAN_SETTER, and NAN_GETTER, as it is stated in Nan doc. So it is most likely to be used in parts of code called from C++ land.
void windowFocusCB(GLFWwindow *window, int focused) { NAN_HS;
glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(window, windowFocusCB);
Method return
  • RET_VALUE(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is v8::Local<v8::Value>.
  • RET_UNDEFINED - set method return value as undefined.
  • RET_STR(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is const char *.
  • RET_UTF8(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is const char *.
  • RET_INT(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is int32.
  • RET_INT32(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is int32.
  • RET_UINT32(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is uint32.
  • RET_NUM(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is double.
  • RET_OFFS(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is size_t.
  • RET_FLOAT(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is float.
  • RET_DOUBLE(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is double.
  • RET_EXT(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is void *.
  • RET_BOOL(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is bool.
  • RET_FUN(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is Nan::Persistent<v8::Function>.
  • RET_OBJ(VAL) - set method return value, where VAL is Nan::Persistent<v8::Object>.
Shortcut types
  • V8_VAR_VAL = v8::Local<v8::Value>
  • V8_VAR_OBJ = v8::Local<v8::Object>
  • V8_VAR_ARR = v8::Local<v8::Array>
  • V8_VAR_STR = v8::Local<v8::String>
  • V8_VAR_FUNC = v8::Local<v8::Function>
  • V8_VAR_FT = v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>
  • V8_VAR_OT = v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate>
  • V8_STORE_FT = Nan::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>
  • V8_STORE_FUNC = Nan::Persistent<v8::Function>
  • V8_STORE_OBJ = Nan::Persistent<v8::Object>
  • V8_STORE_VAL = Nan::Persistent<v8::Value>
New JS value
  • JS_STR(...) - create a string value
  • JS_UTF8(...) - same as JS_STR
  • JS_INT(val) - create an integer value
  • JS_INT32(val) - same as JS_INT
  • JS_UINT32(val) - same as JS_INT
  • JS_NUM(val) - create a numeric value
  • JS_OFFS(val) - same as JS_NUM, but has a cast designed to avoid size_t -> double warning
  • JS_FLOAT(val) - same as JS_NUM
  • JS_DOUBLE(val) - same as JS_NUM
  • JS_EXT(val) - create an external (pointer) value
  • JS_BOOL(val) - create a boolean value
  • JS_FUN(val) - get a function from persistent Nan::Persistent<v8::Function>.
  • JS_OBJ(val) - get an object from persistent Nan::Persistent<v8::Object>.
Method check

These checks throw JS TypeError if not passed. Here T is always used as a typename in error messages. C is v8::Value check method, like IsObject(). I is the index of argument as in info[I], starting from 0.

  • REQ_ARGS(N) - check if at least N arguments passed
  • IS_ARG_EMPTY(I) - check if argument I is undefined or null
  • CHECK_REQ_ARG(I, C, T) - check if argument I is approved by C check.
  • CHECK_LET_ARG(I, C, T) - check if argument I is approved by C check or empty.
  • CTOR_CHECK(T) - check if method is called as a constructor
  • SETTER_CHECK(C, T) - check if setter value is approved by C check.
  • DES_CHECK - within dynamic method check if the instance wasn't destroyed by destroy().
Method arguments

Two types of argument retrieval are supported: REQ_ and LET_. The difference is that LET_ allows the argument to be empty, using some zero-default in this case. I is the index of argument as in info[I], starting from 0. VAR is the name of the variable to be created.

  • REQ_UTF8_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a string. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • LET_UTF8_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a string, the default is "". Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_STR_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a string. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • LET_STR_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a string, the default is "". Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_INT32_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a number. Stored at int VAR.
  • LET_INT32_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a number, the default is 0. Stored at int VAR.
  • REQ_INT32_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a number. Stored at int VAR.
  • LET_INT32_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a number, the default is 0. Stored at int VAR.
  • REQ_UINT32_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a number. Stored at unsigned VAR.
  • LET_UINT32_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a number, the default is 0. Stored at unsigned VAR.
  • REQ_BOOL_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a boolean. Stored at bool VAR.
  • LET_BOOL_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a boolean, the default is false. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_OFFS_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a number. Stored at size_t VAR.
  • LET_OFFS_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a number, the default is 0. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_DOUBLE_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a number. Stored at double VAR.
  • LET_DOUBLE_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a number, the default is 0.0. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_FLOAT_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a number. Stored at float VAR.
  • LET_FLOAT_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be a number, the default is 0.0f. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_EXT_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be an external. Stored at Local<External> VAR.
  • LET_EXT_ARG(I, VAR) - let optional I'th argument to be an external, the default is nullptr. Stored at Nan::Utf8String VAR.
  • REQ_FUN_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a function. Stored at Local<Function> VAR.
  • REQ_OBJ_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be an object. Stored at Local<Object> VAR.
  • REQ_ARRV_ARG(I, VAR) - require I'th argument to be a TypedArray. Stored at Local<ArrayBufferView> VAR.
NAN_METHOD(test) {
	REQ_UINT32_ARG(0, width);
	REQ_UINT32_ARG(1, height);
	// Variables created: unsigned int width, height; float z;

NOTE: The conversion from Nan::Utf8String to std::string (via char *) is possible with unary * operator.

Set properties

Set-helpers for string and numeric keys. String keys are converted to JS strings automatically.

  • SET_I(ARR, I, VAL)
Set object accessors

Simplified accessor assignment, adds accessors of NAME for OBJ. Read accessor is assumed to have the name NAME+'Getter' and write accessor is NAME+'Setter'.

  • ACCESSOR_RW(OBJ, NAME) - add read and write accessors of NAME for OBJ.
  • ACCESSOR_R(OBJ, NAME) - read-only property.
void MyClass::init(Handle<Object> target) {
	Local<ObjectTemplate> proto = ctor->PrototypeTemplate();
	ACCESSOR_RW(proto, message);
NAN_GETTER(MyClass::messageGetter) { ...
NAN_SETTER(MyClass::messageSetter) { ...
Setter argument

Useful addition to NAN_SETTER macro. Works similar to method arguments. But there is always only one required argument stored in v.

  • SETTER_UTF8_ARG - require the value to be a string. Stored at Nan::Utf8String v.
  • SETTER_STR_ARG - require the value to be a string. Stored at Nan::Utf8String v.
  • SETTER_INT32_ARG - require the value to be a number. Stored at int v.
  • SETTER_INT_ARG - require the value to be a number. Stored at int v.
  • SETTER_UINT32_ARG - require the value to be a number. Stored at unsigned v.
  • SETTER_BOOL_ARG - require the value to be a boolean. Stored at bool v.
  • SETTER_OFFS_ARG - require the value to be a number. Stored at size_t v.
  • SETTER_DOUBLE_ARG - require the value to be a number. Stored at double v.
  • SETTER_FLOAT_ARG - require the value to be a number. Stored at float v.
  • SETTER_EXT_ARG - require the value to be an external. Stored at Local<External> v.
  • SETTER_FUN_ARG - require the value to be a function. Stored at Local<Function> v.
  • SETTER_OBJ_ARG - require the value to be an object. Stored at Local<Object> v.
  • SETTER_ARRV_ARG - require the value to be a TypedArray. Stored at Local<ArrayBufferView> v.
NAN_SETTER(MyClass::messageSetter) { SETTER_UTF8_ARG;
	// Variable created: Nan::Utf8String v;
Data retrieval
  • T *getArrayData(value, num = NULL) - extracts TypedArray data of any type from the given JS value. Does not accept Array, checked with IsArrayBufferView(). Returns NULL for empty JS values. For unacceptable values throws TypeError.

  • void *getData(value) - if value is a TypedArray, then the result of getArrayData(value) is returned. Otherwise if value has 'data' property, it's content is then returned as node::Buffer. Returns nullptr in other cases.



  • paths(dir) - function. Returns a set of platform dependent paths depending on input dir.
    • bin() - prints platform binary directory absolute path.
    • rem() - prints a space-separated list of binary paths to be cleaned on this platform.
    • include() - prints include directory for this dir.
    • binPath - platform binary directory absolute path.
    • remPath - a space-separated list of binary paths to be cleaned on this platform.
    • includePath - include directory for this dir.
  • root() - prints where 'addon-tools-raub' module is situated.
  • include() - prints both 'addon-tools-raub' and 'nan' include paths. Use with node -e through list context command expansion <!@(...)
  • rm() - prints the location of '_rm.bat' file on Windows and plain rm on Unix.
  • cp() - prints the location of '_cp.bat' file on Windows and plain cp on Unix.
  • mkdir() - prints the location of '_mkdir.bat' file on Windows and plain mkdir on Unix.
  • bin() - prints platform binary directory name.
  • binPath - platform binary directory name.
  • rootPath - where 'addon-tools-raub' module is situated.
  • includePath - both 'addon-tools-raub' and 'nan' include paths.
  • rmPath - the location of '_rm.bat' file on Windows and plain rm on Unix.
  • cpPath - the location of '_cp.bat' file on Windows and plain cp on Unix.
  • mkdirPath - the location of '_mkdir.bat' file on Windows and plain mkdir on Unix.

Crossplatform commands

Because of the differences between Windows and Unix command shells, often a whole lot of conditions have to be introduced in binding.gyp file. Now some of them can be easily omitted with the new crossplatform commands, supplied by this package.

This comes especially handy together with GYP's executable list expansion. For example a list of files to be removed for cleaning. Or a list of unnecessary binaries to be removed upon installation of a binary-dependency package.


On Unix, it will be an actual system mkdir, whereas on Windows it will use the mkdir.bat file, located at the root of this package. This BAT file behaves as if it was a mkdir -p ... call. You can still pass -p switch, which is ignored. And the limitation is that you can not create a relative-path -p folder. This can possibly be bypassed by supplying ./-p or something like this.

'variables': {
	'mkdir' : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').mkdir()")',
'action' : ['<(mkdir)', '-p', 'binary'],


Disregard del and rd on Windows command line. Now the same command can be used on all platforms to remove single and multiple files and directories.

'variables': {
	'rm'  : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').rm()")',
	'rem' : '<!(node -e "require(\'.\').rem()")',
'action' : ['<(rm)', '-rf', '<@(rem)'],


For Windows the /y flag was embedded.

'variables': {
	'cp'  : '<!(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').cp()")',
'action' : ['<(cp)', 'a', 'b'],

Class EventEmitter

A C++ implementation of Events API.

Note: This implementation has some minor deviations from the above standard. Specifically there is no static EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners property. However the dynamic one persists and is infinite (0) by default.

Also EventTarget is implemented. Not in full detail, but should be fine for callers.

An example can be found in examples/node-addon directory. There is Example class, implemented in cpp/example.cpp, that inherits EventEmitter behavior and is exported to JS.

For the C++ side EventEmitter has following public methods:

  • void emit(const std::string &name, int argc = 0, v8::Local<v8::Value> *argv = NULL) - emits an event with the given name and, optionally, some additional arguments where argc is the number of arguments and argv is a pointer to the arguments array.

  • void on(const std::string &name, V8_VAR_FUNC cb) - subscribes cb to receive name events from this emitter, basically emitter.on(name, cb).

  • void destroy() - destroys the object, i.e. deactivates it and frees resources. This is what also called inside ~EventEmitter(), but only the first call is effective anyway.

Be sure to add the include directory in binding.gyp:

	'include_dirs': [
		'<!@(node -e "require(\'addon-tools-raub\').include()")',

Then include the event-emitter.hpp, it also includes addon-tools.hpp. Inherit from EventEmitter, it already inherits from Nan::ObjectWrap:

#include <event-emitter.hpp>

class Example : public EventEmitter {

Note: Do not forget to call EventEmitter::init() once, in the module init().

V8 Inheritance

Now that everything is in place, consider providing V8 with JS inheritance info:

void Example::init(Handle<Object> target) {
	Local<FunctionTemplate> proto = Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>(newCtor);
	// -------------------------- HERE!
	// class Example extends EventEmitter
	Local<FunctionTemplate> parent = Nan::New(EventEmitter::_prototype);
	// --------------------------
	Local<Function> ctor = Nan::GetFunction(proto).ToLocalChecked();
	Nan::Set(target, JS_STR("Example"), ctor);

Function consoleLog

In C++ addons, the use of iostream is discouraged because Node.js has its own perspective on stdout behavior. At first it may look as if cout << "msg" << endl; works nice, but it doesn't. After a while, it just ceases on a midword, and you end up thinking something has broken really hard in your addon.

To overcome this, we can use some V8 eval magic to make a real console.log call from C++ land. And this is where consoleLog comes into play.

  • inline void consoleLog(int argc, V8_VAR_VAL *argv) - a generic logger, receives any set of arguments.

  • inline void consoleLog(const std::string &message) - an alias to log a single string.

Note: Don't do it in GC-accessible code: sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes.



Package last updated on 24 May 2018

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