AdonisJS Lucid MongoDB
:pray: This repository is forked of adonis-lucid to connect with mongodb.
Adonis-lucid is a database query builder and ORM for Adonis framework. It also has support for database migrations, seeds and factories.
But it not support MongoDB. So I've forked and make new repository adonis-lucid-mongo because adonis has no plan to support mongodb in core framework
You can learn more about AdonisJS and all of its awesomeness on :evergreen_tree:
You can see example here adonis-mongodb-boilerplate
Getting Started
To setup this package
$ npm i --save adonis-lucid-mongodb
and then register lucid providers inside the your bootstrap/app.js
const providers = [
const aceProviders = [
setting up aliases inside bootstrap/app.js
const aliases = {
Database: 'Adonis/Src/Database',
LucidMongo: 'Adonis/Src/LucidMongo',
Schema: 'Adonis/Src/Schema'
Migrations: 'Adonis/Src/Migrations',
Factory: 'Adonis/Src/Factory'
add config to config/database.js
module.exports = {
connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION', 'mongodb'),
mongodb: {
client: 'mongodb',
connection: {
host: Env.get('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
port: Env.get('DB_PORT', 27017),
user: Env.get('DB_USER', 'root'),
password: Env.get('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
database: Env.get('DB_DATABASE', 'adonis')
The usage of LucidMongo is similar to Lucid
Official Documentation of Lucid here
const users = yield User.where('name', 'peter').fetch()
const users = yield User.where({name: 'peter'}).limit(10).fetch()
const user = yield User.where('name').eq('peter').where('age').gt(18).lte(60).sort('-age').first()
const users = yield User.where({age: {gte: 18}}).sort({age: -1}).fetch()
const users = yield User.where('age').gt(18).paginate(20)
const users = yield User.where({or: [{gender: 'female', age: {gte: 20}}, {gender: 'male', age: {gte: 22}}]}).fetch()
const images = yield Image.({location: {near: {lat: 1, lng: 1}, maxDistance: 5}}).fetch()
More Documentation of mquery
Query logs
To show query logs run this command:
- Linux, MacOS
DEBUG=mquery && npm run dev
- Windows
setx DEBUG mquery && npm run dev
const max = yield Employee.query().max('age')
const total = yield Employee.where(active, true).sum('salary', '$department_id')
const avg = yield Employee.where(active, true).avg('salary', {department: '$department_id', role: '$role_id'})
This package support relations like adonis-lucid:
- hasOne
- belongsTo
- hasMany
- belongsToMany
More Documentation of adonis relationships
mongodb has no join query so this package has no query like: has
, whereHas
, doesntHave
, whereDoesntHave
Addition relations
A model can belong to more than one other model, on a single association. For example, you might have a Picture model that belongs to either an Author model or a Reader model
class Author extends Model {
pictures () {
return this.morphMany('App/Models/Picture', 'pictureableType', 'pictureableId')
class Reader extends Model {
pictures () {
return this.morphMany('App/Models/Picture', 'pictureableType', 'pictureableId')
EmbedsOne is used to represent a model that embeds another model, for example, a Customer embeds one billingAddress.
class Customer extends Model {
billingAddress () {
return this.embedsOne('App/Models/Address', '_id', 'billingAddress')
Use an embedsMany relation to indicate that a model can embed many instances of another model. For example, a Customer can have multiple email addresses and each email address is a complex object that contains label and address.
class Customer extends Model {
emails () {
return this.embedsMany('App/Models/Email', '_id', 'emails')
Population is the process of automatically replacing the specified paths in the document with document(s) from other collection(s)
class Bill extends Model {
items () {
return this.referMany('App/Models/Item', '_id', 'items')
Query relationships
const user = User.with('emails').find(1)
const user = User.with('emails', 'phone').find(1)
const user = User.with(['emails', 'phone']).find(1)
const user = User.with({relation: 'email', 'scope': {where: {verified: true}, sort: '-age'}}).find(1)
const user = User.with({relation: 'email', 'scope': query => {
query.where(active, true).limit(1)
Current only support create, drop, rename collection and index
up () {
this.create('articles', (collection) => {
collection.index('title_index', {title: 1})
this.collection('users', (collection) => {
collection.index('email_index', {email: 1}, {unique: true})
this.collection('image', (collection) => {
collection.index('location_index', {location: '2dsphere'}, {'2dsphereIndexVersion': 2})
this.rename('articles', 'posts')
this.create('posts', (collection) => {
this.drop('articles', 'posts')
Field type
Type of date
class Staff extends LucidMongo {
static get dateFields() { return ['dob'] }
The field declare as date will convert to moment js object after get from db
const staff = yield Staff.first()
const yearAgo = staff.dob.fromNow()
You can set attribute of model as moment js object
staff.dob = moment(request.input('dob'))
Type of geometry
class Image extends LucidMongo {
static get geoFields() { return ['location'] }
When declare field type as geometry the field will be transformed to geoJSON type
const image = yield Image.create({
fileName: fileName,
location: {lat: 1, lng: 1}
{ "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 1, 1 ] }
After get from db it will be retransformed to
{lat: 1, lng: 1}
Contribution Guidelines
In favor of active development we accept contributions for everyone. You can contribute by submitting a bug, creating pull requests or even improving documentation.