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Aesthetic is a powerful React library for styling components, whether it be CSS-in-JS
using objects, importing stylesheets, or simply referencing external class names.
Simply put, Aesthetic is an abstraction layer that utilizes higher-order-components for
the compilation of styles via third-party libraries, all the while providing customizability,
theming, and a unified syntax.
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { classes, ClassNamesPropType } from 'aesthetic';
import style from '../path/to/styler';
class Carousel extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
classNames: ClassNamesPropType.isRequired,
render() {
const { children, classNames } = this.props;
const { animating } = this.state;
return (
animating && classNames.carousel__animating,
<ul className={classNames.list}>
className={classes(classNames.button, classNames.prev)}
export default style({
carousel: {
position: 'relative',
maxWidth: '100%',
carousel__animating: { ... },
list: { ... },
button: { ... },
prev: { ... },
next: { ... },
Aesthetic was built for the sole purpose of solving the following scenarios, most of which
competing styling libraries fail to solve.
Multiple styling patterns
Want to use external CSS or Sass files? Or maybe CSS modules? Or perhaps CSS-in-JS?
What about JSS instead of Aphrodite? All of these patterns and choices are supported through
the use of adapters. However, inline styles are not supported
as we prefer the more performant option of compiling styles and attaching them to the DOM.
Styling third-party libraries
Using a third-party provided UI component library has the unintended side-effect
of hard-coded and non-customizable styles. Aesthetic solves this by allowing consumers
to extend and inherit styles from the provided base component.
Aesthetic requires React as a peer dependency.
npm install aesthetic react --save
// Or
yarn add aesthetic react
Initial Setup
Aesthetic makes heavy use of process.env.NODE_ENV
for logging errors in development.
These errors will be entirely removed in production if the following build steps are configured.
DefinePlugin plugin
is required when using Webpack.
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'),
Envify transformer is required when using Browserify.
NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production',
Style Adapters
An adapter in the context of Aesthetic is a third-party library that supports CSS in JavaScript,
whether it be injecting CSS styles based off JavaScript objects, importing CSS during a build
process, or simply referencing CSS class names.
The following libraries and their features are officially supported by Aesthetic.
- Only supports
and @keyframes
The following libraries are currently not supported.
- CSSX -
Does not generate unique class names during compilation and instead
uses the literal class names and or tag names defined in the style declaration.
This allows for global style collisions, which we want to avoid.
- Styletron -
Currently does not support animations, font faces, or globals. Will revisit in the future.
Creating A Styler
To start using Aesthetic, a styler function must be created. This styler function
acts as a factory for the creation of higher-order-components
These HOC's are used in transforming styles via adapters and passing down CSS
class names to the original wrapped component.
To begin, we must create an instance of Aesthetic
with an adapter,
pass it to createStyler
, and export the new function. I suggest doing this an a file
that can be imported for reusability.
import Aesthetic, { createStyler } from 'aesthetic';
import JSSAdapter from 'aesthetic-adapter-jss';
export default createStyler(new Aesthetic(new JSSAdapter()));
Once we have a styler function, we can import it and wrap our React components.
The styler function accepts a style declaration as its first argument,
and an object of configurable options as the second. The following options are supported.
(string) - The unique style name of the component. This name is primarily
used in logging and caching. Defaults to the component or function name.extendable
(boolean) - Allows the component and its styles to be extended,
creating a new component in the process. Defaults to false
(string) - Name of the prop in which the compiled class names or styles
object is passed to. Defaults to classNames
(string) - Name of the prop in which the theme style declaration is passed to.
Defaults to theme
(boolean) - When true, the higher-order-component will extend React.PureComponent
instead of React.Component
. Only use this for static/dumb components.
export default style({
button: { ... },
}, {
styleName: 'CustomButton',
extendable: true,
pure: true,
stylesPropName: 'classes',
themePropName: 'appTheme',
If you get tired of passing stylesPropName
, themePropName
, pure
, and extendable
to every component, you can pass these as default options to the Aesthetic
new Aesthetic(adapter, {
extendable: true,
pure: true,
stylesPropName: 'classes',
themePropName: 'appTheme',
Defining Components
Now that we have a styler function, we can start styling our components by wrapping
the component declaration with the styler function and passing an object of styles.
When this component is rendered, the style object is transformed into an object of class names,
and passed to the classNames
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { ClassNamesPropType } from 'aesthetic';
import style from '../path/to/styler';
function Button({ children, classNames, icon }) {
return (
<button type="button" className={classNames.button}>
{icon && (
<span className={classNames.icon}>{icon}</span>
Button.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
classNames: ClassNamesPropType.isRequired,
icon: PropTypes.node,
export default style({
button: { ... },
icon: { ... }
Customizing Styles
Since styles are isolated and colocated within a component, they can be impossible to
customize, especially if the component comes from a third-party library. If a component
styled by Aesthetic is marked as extendable
, styles can be customized by calling
the static extendStyles
method on the wrapped component instance.
Extending styles will return the original component wrapped with new styles,
instead of wrapping the styled component and stacking on an unnecessary layer.
import BaseButton from '../path/to/styled/Button';
export const Button = BaseButton.extendStyles({
button: {
background: 'white',
export const PrimaryButton = BaseButton.extendStyles({
button: {
background: 'blue',
Parent styles (the component that was extended) are available when using a
style function, allowing multiple layers of styles to be inherited.
Combining Classes
When multiple class names need to be applied to a single element, the classes
function provided by Aesthetic can be used. This function accepts an arbitrary
number of arguments, all of which can be strings, arrays, or objects that evaluate to true.
import { classes } from 'aesthetic';
expression && 'bar',
baz: false,
qux: true,
Using our Button
examples above, let's add an active state and combine classes
like so. Specificity is important, so define styles from top to bottom!
function Button({ children, classNames, icon, active = false }) {
return (
active && classNames.button__active,
{icon && (
<span className={classNames.icon}>{icon}</span>
Styling Components
As mentioned previously, to style a component, an object or function must be passed
as the first argument to the styler function. This object
represents a mapping of selectors (and modifiers) to declarations. For example:
button: { ... },
button__active: { ... },
icon: { ... },
The following types of declarations are permitted.
External Classes
External CSS class names can be referenced by passing a string of the class name.
button: 'button',
button__active: 'button--active',
icon: 'button__icon',
To make use of class names, the provided ClassNameAdapter
must be used.
import Aesthetic, { createStyler, ClassNameAdapter } from 'aesthetic';
export default createStyler(new Aesthetic(new ClassNameAdapter()));
Style Objects
CSS styles can be defined using an object of properties to values. These objects are
transformed using adapters and optionally support the
unified syntax defined by Aesthetic.
button: {
background: '#eee',
button__active: {
background: '#fff',
icon: {
display: 'inline-block',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
Style Functions
Style functions are simply functions that return a style object. The benefits of using a
function is that it provides the current theme as the first argument,
and the previous styles as the second argument.
style((theme, prevStyles) => {
Theming Components
Themes are great in that they enable components to be styled in different ways based
on pre-defined style guide parameters, like font size, color hex codes, and more.
To make use of a theme, register it through the Aesthetic
instance using registerTheme
This method accepts a name, an object of parameters, and an optional
style object used for globals (like font faces and animation keyframes).
aesthetic.registerTheme('dark', {
unit: 'em',
unitSize: 8,
spacing: 5,
font: 'Open Sans',
bgColor: 'darkgray',
}, {
'@font-face': {
'Open Sans': {
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'normal',
src: ['fonts/OpenSans.woff'],
Global styles are immediately compiled and attached the DOM. Be wary of conflicts.
If you'd like to extend a base theme to create a new theme, use extendTheme
. This
method accepts the theme name to inherit from as the first argument, with the remaining
arguments matching registerTheme
aesthetic.extendTheme('dark', 'darker', {
bgColor: 'black',
Extending themes will deep merge the two parameter objects.
Using Theme Styles
Once a theme has been registered, we can access the style parameters by using a
style function. The parameters object is passed as the first
argument to the function.
style(theme => ({
button: {
fontSize: `${theme.unitSize}${theme.unit}`,
fontFamily: theme.font,
padding: theme.spacing,
The theme style declaration can be accessed within a component via the theme
Activating Themes
To activate and inform components to use a specific theme, we must use the ThemeProvider
which accepts a name
of the theme.
import { ThemeProvider } from 'aesthetic';
<ThemeProvider name="default">
// All components within here will use the "default" theme
<ThemeProvider name="dark">
// And all components here will use the "dark" theme
Or by passing a themeName
prop to an individual component.
<Button themeName="dark">Save</Button>
Or by setting the default theme on the Aesthetic
new Aesthetic(adapter, { defaultTheme: 'default' });
Unified Syntax
Aesthetic provides an optional unified CSS-in-JS syntax. This unified syntax permits
easy drop-in replacements
between adapters that utilize CSS-in-JS objects, as well as a standard across libraries.
- Easily swap between CSS-in-JS adapters (for either performance or extensibility reasons)
without having to rewrite all CSS style object syntax.
- Third-party UI libraries can define their styles using the unified syntax,
while consumers can choose their preferred adapter.
- Third-party UI libraries can standardize on a single syntax for interoperability.
- Only have to learn one form of syntax.
- Slight overhead (like milliseconds) converting the unified syntax to the adapters native
syntax. However, Aesthetic caches heavily.
- Must learn a new form of syntax (hopefully the last one).
Why a new syntax?
While implementing adapters and writing tests for all their syntax and use cases, I noticed
that all adapters shared about 90-95% of the same syntax. That remaining percentage could
easily be abstracted away by a library, and hence, this unified syntax was created.
Furthermore, a unified syntax allows providers of third-party components to define their styles
in a standard way with consumers having the choice of their preferred adapter.
Why a different at-rule structure?
The major difference between the unified syntax and native adapters syntax, is that at-rules
in the unified syntax are now multi-dimensional objects indexed by the name of the at-rule
), while at-rules in the native syntax are single objects indexed by the at-rule
declaration (@media (min-width: 100px)
Supporting the native syntax incurred an linear (O(n)
) lookup, as we would have to loop
through each object recursively to find all at-rules, while the unified syntax is a simple
constant (O(1)
) lookup as we know the names ahead of time. This constant time lookup is
what enables a fast conversion process between the unified and native syntaxes.
How do I enable the unified syntax?
Please refer to the readme of your chosen adapter.
Standard structure for defining properties.
- Supports camel case property names.
- Units can be written as literal numbers.
button: {
margin: 0,
padding: 5,
display: 'inline-block',
lineHeight: 'normal',
textAlign: 'center',
cursor: 'pointer',
backgroundColor: '#ccc',
color: '#000',
buttonGroup: {
JSS requires the jss-default-unit
, jss-camel-case
, and jss-global
Fela requires the fela-plugin-unit
Pseudo elements and classes are defined inside a selector as nested objects.
button: {
':hover': {
backgroundColor: '#eee',
'::before': {
content: '"★"',
display: 'inline-block',
marginRight: 5,
JSS requires the jss-nested
Property fallbacks for old browsers are defined under the @fallbacks
Each property accepts a single value or an array of values.
wrapper: {
background: 'linear-gradient(...)',
display: 'flex',
'@fallbacks': {
background: 'red',
display: ['box', 'flex-box'],
Aphrodite does not support fallback styles.
Fela requires the fela-plugin-fallback-value
Media Queries
Media queries are defined inside a selector using a @media
with the query conditional as the key, and style declarations as the value.
tooltip: {
maxWidth: 300,
'@media': {
'(min-width: 400px)': {
maxWidth: 'auto',
JSS requires the jss-nested
Feature queries are defined inside a selector using a @supports
with the feature conditional as the key, and style declarations as the value.
grid: {
float: 'left',
'@supports': {
'(display: flex)': {
float: 'none',
display: 'flex',
Font Faces
Font faces are defined outside the selector (in the root) using a @font-face
and are referenced by the font family name (the object key).
'@font-face': {
'Open Sans': {
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'normal',
src: ['fonts/OpenSans.woff2', 'fonts/OpenSans.ttf'],
button: {
fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
tooltip: {
fontFamily: 'Open Sans, sans-serif',
The fontFamily
property can be omitted as it'll be inherited from the property name.
To support multiple font variations, like bold and italics, pass an array of properties.
'@font-face': {
'Open Sans': [
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'normal',
src: ['fonts/OpenSans.woff2', 'fonts/OpenSans.ttf'],
fontStyle: 'italic',
fontWeight: 'normal',
src: ['fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2', 'fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf'],
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'bold',
src: ['fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2', 'fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf'],
Lastly, to define local()
source aliases, pass an array of strings to a local
'@font-face': {
'Open Sans': {
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'normal',
local: ['OpenSans', 'Open-Sans'],
src: ['fonts/OpenSans.ttf'],
Animation keyframes are defined outside the selector (in the root) using a @keyframes
and are referenced by animation name (the object key).
'@keyframes': {
fade: {
from: { opacity: 0 },
to: { opacity: 1 },
button: {
animationName: 'fade',
animationDuration: '3s',
Parent, child, and sibling selectors are purposefully not supported. Use unique and
isolated element selectors and style declarations instead.
Competitors Comparison
A brief comparison of Aesthetic to competing React style abstraction libraries.