The main purpose of the blanket component is to provide the overlay layer for components such as a modal dialog or a tooltip.
Try it out
Interact with a live demo of the ak-blanket component.
npm install ak-blanket
Using the component
The ak-blanket
package exports the Blanket Skate component.
Import the component in your JS resource:
import 'ak-blanket';
Now you can use the defined tag in your HTML markup, for example:
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
with other components
The main purpose of the blanket component is to provide the overlay
layer for components such as modal dialog
or tooltip
. It can be achieved like this:
define('modal-dialog-component', () => {
attached(elem) {
window.addEventListener('activate', doSomethingWhenBlanketClicked(elem));
detached(elem) {
window.removeEventListener('activate', doSomethingWhenBlanketClicked(elem));
render(elem) {
return (
<ak-blanket clickable tinted />
<div>the rest of the awesome component here</div>
It emits the 'activate' event when clicked/touched.
Blanket component doesn't have the z-index style, so make sure you put it into an appropriate DOM position.
For the purpose of simplicity blanket doesn't have any show/hide
functionality. Since the main use of it suppose to be inside popup
elements it would appear/disappear with the parent element.
This is a standard web component, if you want to use it in your React app, use the Skate.js React integration.
import Blanket from 'ak-blanket';
import reactify from 'skatejs-react-integration';
const ReactComponent = reactify(Blanket, {});
ReactDOM.render(<ReactComponent />, container);
Kind: global class
new Blanket()
Create instances of the component programmatically, or using markup.
JS Example
import Blanket from 'ak-blanket';
const component = new Blanket();
: Boolean
Is blanket grey with opacity or transparent. By default it's transparent.
Kind: instance property of Blanket
Default: false
HTML Example
<ak-blanket tinted></ak-blanket>
JS Example
component.tinted = true
: Boolean
Whether the blanket is clickable.
Kind: instance property of Blanket
Default: false
Emits: activate
HTML Example
<ak-blanket clickable></ak-blanket>
JS Example
component.clickable = true
This event is emitted when the blanket is clicked.
The emission of this event can be controlled by the clickable property.
Kind: event emitted by Blanket