What is align-text?
The align-text npm package is used to align text in various ways, such as left, right, or center alignment. It provides a simple API to manipulate text alignment in strings, which can be useful for formatting console output, generating text-based reports, or creating command-line interfaces.
What are align-text's main functionalities?
Center Alignment
This feature allows you to center-align a given string. The code sample demonstrates how to center-align the text 'Hello, World!'.
const align = require('align-text');
const result = align('Hello, World!', { align: 'center' });
Left Alignment
This feature allows you to left-align a given string. The code sample demonstrates how to left-align the text 'Hello, World!'.
const align = require('align-text');
const result = align('Hello, World!', { align: 'left' });
Right Alignment
This feature allows you to right-align a given string. The code sample demonstrates how to right-align the text 'Hello, World!'.
const align = require('align-text');
const result = align('Hello, World!', { align: 'right' });
Other packages similar to align-text
The cli-table package is used to create tables in the console with various alignment options for text within the table cells. It provides more advanced table formatting capabilities compared to align-text, including support for table headers, column widths, and custom styles.
The columnify package formats data into columns with customizable alignment options. It is particularly useful for displaying tabular data in the console. Compared to align-text, columnify offers more flexibility in handling multiple columns and complex data structures.
The string-width package calculates the visual width of a string, taking into account characters with different widths. While it does not directly align text, it can be used in conjunction with other packages to ensure proper alignment by accurately measuring string lengths. It complements align-text by providing precise width calculations.
Align the text in a string.
Install with npm
npm i align-text --save
var align = require('align-text');
align(text, callback_function_or_integer);
can be a string or array. If a string is passed, a string will be returned. If an array is passed, an array will be returned.callback|integer
: if an integer, the text will be indented by that amount. If a function, it must return an integer representing the amount of leading indentation to use as align
loops over each line.
The callback is used to determine the indentation of each line and gets the following params:
the length of the "current" linelongest
the length of the longest lineline
the current line (string) being alignedlines
the array of all lines
The callback may return:
- an integer that represents the number of spaces to use for padding,
- or an object with the following properties:
: {Number} the amount of indentation to use. Default is 0
when an object is returned.character
: {String} the character to use for indentation. Default is ''
(empty string) when an object is returned.prefix
: {String} leading characters to use at the beginning of each line. ''
(empty string) when an object is returned.
Integer example:
function centerAlign(len, longest, line, lines) {
return Math.floor((longest - len) / 2);
Object example:
function centerAlign(len, longest, line, lines) {
return {
character: '\t',
indent: Math.floor((longest - len) / 2),
prefix: '~ ',
Usage examples
Center align
Using the centerAlign
function from above:
align(text, centerAlign);
Would align this text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscin
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididun
ut labore et dolor
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad mini
veniam, quis
Resulting in this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
veniam, quis
If you wanted to add more padding on the left, just pass the number in the callback.
For example, to add 4 spaces before every line:
function centerAlign(len, longest, line, lines) {
return 4 + Math.floor((longest - len) / 2);
Would result in:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
veniam, quis
align(text, function (len, max, line, lines) {
return {prefix: ' - '};
Would return:
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
- consectetur adipiscing
- elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
- ut labore et dolore
- magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
- veniam, quis
Different indent character
align(text, function (len, max, line, lines) {
return {
indent: Math.floor((max - len) / 2),
character: '~',
Would return
~~~~~Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
~~~~~~~~consectetur adipiscing
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
~~~~~~~~~ut labore et dolore
~~~~magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
~~~~~~~~~~~~~veniam, quis
Related projects
{%= related(['right-align', 'center-align', 'justify', 'word-wrap']) %}
Running tests
Install dev dependencies.
npm i -d && npm test
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue
Jon Schlinkert
Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert
Released under the MIT license
This file was generated by verb-cli on March 07, 2015.