amok [options] <script>
Amok standalone command line tool for rapid prototyping and development of JavaScript applications.
It monitors changes in the file system. As soon as you save a file, it is then preprocessed, compiled and bundled as needed, and reloaded in the browser session without refreshing.
This is done through a debugging session, and keeps the application state unchanged while doing live edits.
Additional features include a zero configuration http development server, console redirection and code evaluation.
export AMOK_BROWSER='google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222'
export AMOK_BUNDLER='watchify -o $@'
amok myapp.js
-h, --host <HOST>
specify the http host, default HOST is localhost.
-p, --port <PORT>
specify the http port, default PORT is 9966.
-H, --debugger-host <HOST>
specify the remote debugger host, default HOST is localhost.
-P, --debugger-port <PORT>
specify the remote debugger port, default PORT is 9222.
-v, --verbose
enable verbose logging mode
disable browser spawning
disable bundling
disable remote debugger
Any extra arguments following the --
terminator, will be passed as arguments when spawning the compiler, if one is specified.
Environment Variables
These environment variables are used to provide amok with default values.
When set to a executable, will be opened after the server has started.
When set to an executable, will be used to bundle scripts.
Automatic Variables
These automatic variables are set and substituted when spawning clients and compilers.
When using a bundler, this is set to the output path of the bundle