This library provides an Interceptor for angular $http
service that signs all request to AWS APIGateway with IAM credentials. It is handy when you use temprorary IAM Credentials from AWS Cognito
or Auth0
. Although AWS APIGateway provides autogenerated Javascript SDK, you can't use it with angular $http
service and you need to regenerate it every time you change something in the API.
Installing it
You have several options:
bower install angular-aws-apig --save
npm install angular-aws-apig --save
Or just include dist/angular-aws-apig.js
or dist/angular-aws-apig.min.js
in to your index.html
Basic usage
angular.module('app', ['angular-aws-apig'])
.config(function Config($httpProvider, APIGInterceptorProvider) {
headers: {},
region: 'us-east-1',
service: 'execute-api',
urlRegex: ''
APIGInterceptorProvider.headersGetter = function(myService, request) {
return request.headers;
APIGInterceptorProvider.credentialsGetter = function(store, request) {
return store.get('credentials');
- global headers that would be added to all api requests (default: {}
- AWS region (default: us-east-1
- AWS service (default: execute-api
- RegEx string, Interceptor would ignore requests to url that doesn't match this RegEx. (default: ''
All options could be passed in APIGInterceptorProvider.config
function as a single object or assigned directly
APIGInterceptorProvider.urlRegex = '';
A function that provides dynamic headers. It accepts $http request
object as a parameter and must return headers
object. You can pass angular dependencies in this function.
APIGInterceptorProvider.headersGetter = function($rootScope, request) {
var headers = request.headers = $;
return headers;
A function that provides dynamic AWS IAM Credentials. It accepts $http request
object as a parameter and must return credentials
object. You can pass angular dependencies in this function. Function can return $q
If this function is not specified APIGInterceptor
will try to get credentials from AWS.config.credentials
APIGInterceptorProvider.credentialsGetter = function(awsCredentials, auth) {
return awsCredentials.get(auth.idToken);
In this example awsCredentials.get
returns a promise that resolves with credentials
accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
secretAccessKey: 'secretAccessKey',
sessionToken: 'sessionToken'
$APIGError event
This event would be triggered on request error.
$rootScope.$on('$APIGError', (event, error) => {
$log.debug(event, error);
This library is a wrapper around aws4 npm package.