An angular directive for Lindell's JsBarcode
Install with NPM
npm install --save angular-barcode
Install with JSPM
jspm install npm:angular-barcode
Import (if using JSPM)
import barcode from 'angular-barcode';
Or include the script in your code
<script src="node_modules/angular-barcode/dist/barcode.es5.js"></script>
Add it as a module to angular
angular.module('MyExampleApp', ['barcode']);
Default values:
<barcode bc-text="Hello World!" bc-type="svg" bc-format="CODE128" bc-line-color="#000000"
bc-width="2" bc-height="100" bc-display-value="true" bc-font-options=""
bc-font="monospace" bc-text-align="center" bc-text-position="bottom"
bc-text-margin="2" bc-font-size="20" bc-background="#ffffff" bc-margin="0" bc-marginTop="undefined"
bc-marginBottom="undefined" bc-marginLeft="undefined" bc-marginRight="undefined">
Do not forget the closing tag </barcode>
if you intend to generate SVGs.
-Take a look at the example/index.html file.
For more details you should definitely check out JSBarcode's Wiki!
Dev / Other
This package is written in ES2015 and uses browserify and babelify.
For versions older than 1.2.5:
You will need to setup the canvas package manually: