Command line script to lint style rules in Angular templates and automatically correct them.
Can be used on any HTML file, not just Angular templates.
Corrects missing end-tags
Corrects inconsistent text case
npm install angular-enforcer -g
On a specific file
enforce [file path] [options]
where [file path] is a path to a file to enforce
cat [file path] | enforce -i
Simply pipe some file into the enforce command
On a glob
enforce -g [glob string] [options]
where [glob string] node-glob is a string to search for files using
Ex: enforce -g src/folder/**/*.tpl
On every html file in this folder and all child folders
enforce -g [options]
This will run the angular-enforcer program on every html file in this folder and all child folders
From node
You can also import angular-enforcer and use it as you want.
import ngEnforcer from 'angular-enforcer';
import 'fs';
const file = fs.readFileSync('file');
const output = ngEnforcer(file, {
lineLength: 150
The ngEnforce function takes a string of HTML and options and returns formatted HTML.
Linting is not available when using this method.
Formatting options:
--tab-length : the number of spaces to consider a tab. Default is 4.
--spaces : If true (default), converts spaces to tabs, using the specified tab length. Otherwise it does the reverse, converting tabs to spaces.
--line-length : max line length. Default is 100.
--closing-slash : if true, convert
. Default is false.
--short-tags : comma separated list of additional tags that have no associated end tag
--expr-padding : add a space before and after angular expressions (and a space after the "::" in one-time binded expressions). Default is true.
--attr-newline : If an html start tag is over the specified line-length, start each attribute on it's own line, indenting by one. Default is true.
--empty-tag-same-line : Empty DOM nodes will end their tags on the same line if it's within the max line length.
--short-text-nodes : DOM nodes with just text that can fit on one line will do so. Default is true. If this is false, the text nodes will be indented.
--attr-obj-indent: Indent JS objects inside attributes, ex: inside ng-class. True by default.
--double-quotes : If true, use double quotes for attributes, otherwise use single quotes.
--reorder-attrs : If true, alphabetize HTML attributes in each tag
--block-spacing : If true, add an empty line in between each HTML block
--text-wrap : If true, break long text nodes so that indentation + length of text <= line-length. Defaults to true.
--wrap-ignored-tags : comma separated list of tags to ignore long text nodes inside
--remove-comments : if true, enforcer will remove all HTML comments
CLI-only options:
--config -c : path to the formatting config file. Default is .enforcer.json
--save -S : report and correct all problems, overwriting all affected files
--glob -g : Glob strings to look for files
--stdin -i : read from STDIN instead of giving a file path.
--verbose -v : more verbose reporting, including locations of problems.
--quite -q : silences all output, even when using --diff or --verbose.
--diff -d : print a colored diff of the changes
.enforcer.json JSON file
All options can be specified in an .enforcer.json file. All options are in camelCase.
"tabLength": 2,
"lineLength": 120
Option load order:
- command line options
- .enforcer.json file in current directory (if it exists)
- .enforcer.json file in home directory (if it exists)