Angular ES6 utility library. Write directives, controllers and services as ES6 classes.
What you will get
- Write directives, controllers and services like an ES6 classes
- Autoload directives, controllers, services, filters and factories with webpack
Use version 2.x for the babel 5 and version 3.x for the babel 6
npm install angular-es6
You can find whole exmple project in the example directory.
export default class NiceDirective {
static $inject = ['$http'];
constructor($http) {
this.$http = $http;
this.template = '<div>{{computeName('NICE')}}</div>';
this.restrict = 'E';
this.scope = {
name: '=',
link(scope) {
this.scope = scope;
scope.computeName = (suffix) => this.computeName(suffix);
computeName(suffix = '') {
const { $http, scope } = this;
return 'Mr.' + + ' ' + suffix;
export default class MainController {
static $inject = ['$scope', '$http'];
constructor($scope, $http) {
this.$http = $http;
$scope.doThis = () => this.doThis();
doThis() {
const { $http } = this;
Class Inject
As you can see in the examples above. You need to store injected objects somehow.
There is a better solution. You can extend your class with class named Inject and then you can use variable named this.$inject.
In next example is called function doThis from the constructor.
You can use this.$inject because this object was initialized by Inject constructor.
Do not forget to use (...args). Inject class need to get all injected objects.
import { Inject } from 'angular-es6';
export default class MainController extends Inject {
static $inject = ['$http'];
constructor(...args) {
doThis() {
const { $http } = this.$inject;
Directive auto Inject
You can use variables from the link function anywhere in your directive code.
This feature is available without extending Inject class. Here is small example
export default class NiceDirective {
static $inject = ['$http'];
constructor($http) {
this.$http = $http;
this.template = '<div>{{computeName('NICE')}}</div>';
this.restrict = 'E';
this.scope = {
name: '=',
link(scope) {
scope.computeName = (suffix) => this.computeName(suffix);
computeName(suffix = '') {
const { scope, element } =$inject;
element.text('Mr.' + + ' ' + suffix);
Auto load directives
Each directory need to have file index.js with content like this:
import { load } from 'angular-es6';
const MODULE_NAME = 'directives';
load.directives(require.context('./', true, /.*\.js$/));
export default MODULE_NAME;
More examples you can find in the example directory.
Pull request
Pull requests are welcome
Run build for production
npm run build
Run build for development
npm run dev