Luminate Online utilities for AngularJS 1.x apps. At its core, this library is a JavaScript wrapper around the
Luminate Online REST API, with some helper functions and other magic sprinkled in. The
library includes support for all major modern browsers, and it can be used both within and
outside of Luminate Online.
Table of Contents
Basic Setup
Before getting started, there are a couple of basic steps you must follow:
Create an API Key
In order to use the Luminate Online API, you must define an API Key for your organization's Luminate Online
website. If you haven't already done so, go to Setup -> Site Options -> Open API Configuration, and click
"Edit API Keys". The only option you need to worry about on this page is 1. Convio API Key.
Whitelist your domain
For security reasons, API requests are limited to a whitelist of domains defined by your organization. If you
haven't already done so, go to Setup -> Site Options -> Open API Configuration, and click "Edit
Javascript/Flash configuration". The only options you need to worry about on this page are 1. Allow
JavaScript/Flash API from these domains and 2. Trust JavaScript/Flash API from these domains. Add any
domains where you will use this library to these lists. As noted on the page, you can use an asterisk as a
wildcard if your website has multiple subdomains, e.g. "*".
npm install angular-luminate-utils
yarn add angular-luminate-utils
Or if you're not into package management, just download the latest build under dist.
Including ngLuminateUtils In Your App
Once you've uploaded angular-luminate-utils.min.js
to your website, including the library is easy — just add it somewhere below Angular.
<script src="../js/angular-luminate-utils.min.js"></script>
Then, using the library is as simple as injecting the ngLuminateUtils
module as a dependency in your app.
angular.module('myApp', ['ngLuminateUtils']);
Configuration With $luminateUtilsConfig
The library is instantiated using the $luminateUtilsConfigProvider
. At a minimum, you must set your secure
Luminate Online path and your API Key.
angular.module('myApp').config(['$luminateUtilsConfigProvider', function($luminateUtilsConfigProvider) {
secure: ''
For organizations using Multilocale in Luminate Online, the setLocale
method can be used to define the locale
for the current user. Locale is a string comprised of an ISO-639 language code and an ISO-3166 country
code. Currently supported values are "en_US", "es_US", "en_CA", "fr_CA", "en_GB", and "en_AU". (Note that
the list of possible values varies by organization.)
Additionally, you can define a list of common parameters to be included in all API requests, e.g. source and
sub-source codes, using the setDefaultRequestData
You can also specify a default request handler to be used by $luminateRest. The
provided function will be used prior to any request-level Promise handlers.
$luminateUtilsConfigProvider.setDefaultRequestHandler(function(response) {
if ( && === '5') {
return response;
To access configuration options after instantiation, simply inject $luminateUtilsConfig
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateUtilsConfig', function($scope, $luminateUtilsConfig) {
$scope.luminateUtilsConfig = $luminateUtilsConfig;
$scope.$watch('luminateUtilsConfig.locale', function(newValue) {
$scope.setLocale = function(locale) {
API Requests With $luminateRest
The $luminateRest
service is the heart of the library. It provides methods for making requests to the
Luminate Online REST API, with automatic handling of authentication tokens for methods that require it.
The request
method accepts one argument, an options object. It returns a Promise, resolved with the full
response object.
property | description |
api | Either a full, case-sensitive API servlet name, e.g. "CRConsAPI" or "SRConsAPI", or a case-insensitive shorthand with "CR" and "API" removed, e.g. "cons". |
data | The data string to be sent with the request. api_key, response_format, suppress_response_codes, and v parameters are automatically appended. |
formData | The FormData object to be sent with the request. api_key, response_format, suppress_response_codes, and v parameters are automatically appended. |
requiresAuth | A Boolean indicating whether or not the API method being called requires authentication. If true, an auth token is automatically appended to the request data. |
contentType | The Content-Type for the request, either "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data". If formData is provided, this will default to "multipart/form-data", otherwise "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is the default. |
Check if the user is logged in:
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateRest', function($scope, $luminateRest) {
api: 'cons',
data: 'method=loginTest'
}).then(function(response) {
if ( && && > 0) {
$scope.loggedIn = true;
} else {
$scope.loggedIn = false;
Get the logged in user's constituent record:
api: 'cons',
data: 'method=getUser',
requiresAuth: true
}).then(function(response) {
if ( {
$scope.constituent =;
Submit a donation form:
$scope.submitDonation = function() {
api: 'donation',
data: $httpParamSerializer($scope.donationInfo)
}).then(function(response) {
if ( || ( && {
$scope.showDonationError = true;
} else {
$scope.showDonationSuccess = true;
Upload a TeamRaiser participant's personal page photo using formData
$scope.photoInfo = {
method: 'uploadPersonalPhoto',
fr_id: '1234',
graphic_upload_upload: 'true'
$scope.submitUpload = function() {
$scope.showUploadError = false;
$scope.showUploadSuccess = false;
var uploadFormData = new FormData();
angular.forEach($scope.photoInfo, function(val, key) {
uploadFormData.append(key, val);
api: 'teamraiser',
formData: uploadFormData,
requiresAuth: true
}).then(function(response) {
if(! || ! {
$scope.showUploadError = true
} else {
$scope.showUploadSuccess = true;
A Note on Third-Party Cookies
Some browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Safari, default to blocking third-party cookies from websites which
the user has not visited. This can impact the ability to make some cross-domain requests that involve
authentication. For example, if a user visits a website your organization hosts outside of Luminate Online before
they ever visit a Luminate Online page, and logs in using the login API method, no session cookie will be set,
and on subsequent visits they will not be recognized as logged in. To prevent this issue, it is recommended to
use a client-side redirect after successful login to force a session cookie to be set. The login method returns a
nonce for just this purpose.
$scope.submitLogin = function() {
api: 'cons',
data: $httpParamSerializer($scope.loginInfo)
}).then(function(response) {
if (! || ! {
$scope.showLoginError = true;
} else {
$window.location.href = $ + 'EstablishSession?NONCE_TOKEN=' + + '&NEXTURL=' + encodeURIComponent($location.absUrl());
Evaluating Template Tags With $luminateTemplateTag
For those occasions when the REST API does not provide a method for retrieving some information, but a Luminate
Online template tag (e.g. S- or E-Tag) exists that meets the need, the $luminateTemplateTag
service can be used
to evaluate a tag client-side.
The parse
method accepts one argument, a template tag. It returns a Promise, resolved with the value of the
specified tag.
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateTemplateTag', function($scope, $luminateTemplateTag) {
$luminateTemplateTag.parse('[[S42:1234:dollars]]').then(function(response) {
$scope.amountRaised = response;
Note that template tags must be expressed in bracket syntax, XML syntax is not allowed. Additionally, to protect
against XSS attacks, any HTML tags in the template tag string are removed.
Managing Session Variables With $luminateSessionVar
The $luminateSessionVar
service provides methods for setting and getting Luminate Online session variables.
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateSessionVar', function($scope, $luminateSessionVar) {
$luminateSessionVar.set('myVar', 'foo');
Both the set
and get
methods return a Promise, resolved with the value of the specified session variable.
$luminateSessionVar.get('myVar').then(function(response) {
$scope.myVar = response;
Note that session variable values passed to the set
method must be either a string or a Number. To protect against
XSS attacks, any HTML tags are removed. Additionally, any HTML tags in the get
method response are removed.
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateSessionVar', function($scope, $luminateSessionVar) {
$luminateSessionVar.set('myVar', '<div>foo</div>');
Getting Message Catalog Entries With the $luminateMessageCatalog Service
The $luminateMessageCatalog
service allows for retrieving content from the Luminate Online Message Catalog.
The get
method accepts one argument, which may be either a single Message Catalog entry bundle and key, or,
an array of many bundles and keys. The get
method returns a Promise, resolved with an object containing each
of the bundles and keys requested.
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateMessageCatalog', function($scope, $luminateMessageCatalog) {
$luminateMessageCatalog.get('global:name_column').then(function(response) {
$scope.nameColumnLabel =;
If an invalid bundle or key is provided, the get
method will fail silently and return an empty string.
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateMessageCatalog', function($scope, $luminateMessageCatalog) {
$luminateMessageCatalog.get(['global:name_column', 'friendraiser:this_does_not_exist', 'this_does_not_exist_either:foo_bar']).then(function(response) {
$scope.nameColumnLabel =;
$scope.myEntry = response.friendraiser.this_does_not_exist;
$scope.myOtherEntry = response.this_does_not_exist_either.foo_bar;
Note that for performance reasons, Message Catalog entries are cached the first time they are retrieved for each
locale. To reset the cache, use the flushCache
angular.module('myApp').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$luminateMessageCatalog', function($scope, $luminateMessageCatalog) {
$luminateMessageCatalog.flushCache().get('global:name_column').then(function(response) {
$scope.nameColumnLabel =;
Including Reusable Content With the luminate-reusable Directive
The luminate-reusable
directive can be used to render the content of a reusable PageBuilder page. The pagename
attribute identifies the page to be rendered.
<luminate-reusable pagename="'reus_badges'"></luminate-reusable>
The directive can be referenced as an element, or as an attribute.
<div luminate-reusable pagename="'reus_badges'"></div>
Template tags can be used for dynamic pagenames.
<div luminate-reusable pagename="'reus_[[S1:home_stateprov]]_message'"></div>
Including File With the luminate-include Directive
The luminate-include
directive can be used to render the content of a file from the Luminate Online filesystem.
The filename
attribute identifies the file to be rendered.
<luminate-include filename="'foo/bar/badges.html'"></luminate-include>
The directive can be referenced as an element, or as an attribute.
<div luminate-include filename="'foo/bar/badges.html'"></div>
Template tags can be used for dynamic filenames.
<div luminate-include filename="'foo/bar/[[S1:home_stateprov]]-message.html'"></div>
Browser Support
Browser support is largely dependent upon the version of AngularJS being used in your app, but for the most part,
all major modern browsers are supported. See the AngularJS FAQ
for more information. Note that cross-domain requests can only be made in those browsers with support for
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). For Internet Explorer specifically, this means
Reporting Issues
Should you encounter any issues when using this library, please report them here, using the
"Issues" tab above. If you have general
questions about the library, or about the API in general, the fastest way to get answers is to use the
Luminate Online section on