Angular LocalStorage Service
This service provides a simple a eloquent interface to the localStorage
.module('example', [''])
.run(function (storageService) {
var storage = storageService('example.');
storage.set('foobar', 'Hello World!');
.module('example', [''])
.run(function (storageService) {
var storage = storageService('example.');
var watcher ='foobar', function (key, value) {
console.log('%s => %s', key, value);
storage.set('foobar', 'Hello World!');
StorageService([String:prefix]) StorageService
Creates a new StorageService instance, with an optional prefix.
The prefix is used to isolate local storage items to a specific key. All methods on the StorageService look at this prefix. For example; with a StorageService of ‘foobar.’, the StorageService#clear
method will only remove all items that start with ‘foobar.’.
StorageService#get(String:key) String/null
Returns the string value of an item within local storage.
StorageService#set(String:key, String:value)
Sets an item in local storage.
StorageService#has(String:key) Boolean
Returns whether there is an item in local storage with the given key.
Removes a specific item in local storage, by key.
Removes all the items in local storage.
StorageService#json(String:key [, Object/Array:value]) Object/Array/undefined
Gets or sets an item in local storage; automatically stringifying them, and parsing them out.
StorageService#watch(String:pattern, Function:callback [, Boolean:initial]) Function
Watches local storage for any changes to specific items. The callback is fired whenever a piece of code (within the same tab, or another tab) sets/removes/changes the value of a local storage item.
The pattern argument is a string that can optionally include regular expression code. For simplicity, the *
key will automatically be translated into (.*)
which matches anything. This allows you to pass in a string, such as; ‘*.id’, which will match ‘’, ‘’ (etc).
An optional third argument can be passed through to invoke the callback for all the existing items with their current values.
StorageService#keys() Array
Returns an array of keys within local storage.
StorageService#sub(String:prefix) StorageService
Spawns a child StorageService which is prefixed with the prefix the parent has.