2.0.0-rc.0 (2017-04-12)
Bug Fixes
- examples: updated examples (b05d28e)
- examples: updated examples (a44ef30)
- fixed binding names: fixed binding names and class names (73cc7d0)
- typings: updated typings (f4a1dd7)
- versions: updated versions of libs (fc28c88)
- controlValueAccessor: finished implement control value accessor (5cb28d1), closes #11
- controlValueAccessor: updated examples (2097b40)
- direction and types: added direction in component and changed type names (c9ddaf5)
- keyboard: finished keyboard implementation (ca35e8a)
- keybord interaction: progress implementing keybord interaction (b071567)
- keybord interaction: star implementing keybord interaction (a1a72ae)
- labelVisible: added labelVisible property (16412dd)
- refactoring: enable overrides for set rating (ae9749f)
- utils: implement utils and controller class (80ab369), closes #12
- valueAccessor: created new example for value accessor (20bd211)
- valueAccessor: progress implementation (ba1c664)
- valueAccessor: progress implementing the value accessor for reactive forms (059a0f9)
- valueAccessor: progress implementing the value accessor for reactive froms (cd8136d)
- valueAccessor: start implement the value accessor for reactive froms (d7adcf3)
- valueAccessor: start progress implementing the value accessor for reactive froms (5c4e9be)
- valueAccessor: start progress implementing the value accessor for reactive froms (0f27794)
<a name="2.0.0-beta2"></a>