Angular Translate Json
Translations module for latest version of angular.
Inspired by
It's built to support latest angular version, with a friendly to use api.
How it works
1. Define the module and configurations
import { AngularTranslateJsonModule, TranslateService } from 'angular-translate-json';
imports: [
class MyAngularModule {
constructor( private translateService: TranslateService ) {
locale: 'en',
path: 'my/path/to/translations'
2. Your translation file
And this is your en.json
"HELLO": "Hello mate!",
"HELLO_USER": "Hello {{userName}}!"
"PAGE_TITLE": "Page title"
3. Usage in component
Now, we're ready to use inside our components.
template: `
<div class="page">
<div class="title" translate="PAGE_TITLE"></div>
<div class="greet" translate="COMMON.HELLO"></div>
<div class="greet" translate="COMMON.HELLO_USER" [translateValues]="userData"></div>
class MyComponent {
userData = {
userName: 'johnsnow'
4. More options to use it
You could either use it as a atttribute(directive) or pipe, or simply by calling the service directly.
<div class="greet" translate="COMMON.HELLO"></div>
Pipe or filter
<div class="greet">{{'COMMON.HELLO' | translate}}</div>
Using the service
import { TranslateService } from 'angular-translate-json';
template: `{{myNameIs}} {{name}}`
class NameBadgeComponent {
myNameIs = '';
name = 'John Snow';
constructor( private translateService: TranslateService ) {
.subscribe(res => {
this.myNameIs = res;
Let me know if there's something broken and I'll be more than happy to address it.