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Anyline React-Native Plugin
Anyline is mobile OCR SDK, which can be configured by yourself to scan all kinds of numbers, characters, text and codes.
The plugin lets you connect to the SDK with React-Native.
Go to the Example project in the example folder.
Check out the examples ResultView.js and config.json to see the implementation.
Quick Start Guide
1. Get a License
Go to our pricing page and get your license.
2. Get the Anyline react-native plugin
Download or Clone the Repo to your node_modules (Npm coming soon).
│ android.index.js
│ ios.index.js
└─── node_modules
└─── anyline-ocr-react-native-module
To link the project install rnpm and run
rnpm link
in the root folder.
3. Get the native Dependencies
Setup Packages
Package name must match with the bundleID from your Anyline License.
Add Anyline Package
Go into the native Android folder of your Project to your MainApplication.
Import the AnylinePackage
import com.anyline.reactnative.AnylinePackage;
and add the package to your getPackages function
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new AnylinePackage()
Strict mode does not allow function declarations in a lexically nested statement.
duplicate files during packaging of APK
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libgnustl_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libgnustl_shared.so'
Disable bitcode in your project
- Copy the Podfile
from our example Project to your native iOS root folder.
- Change the target of the Podfile to your project name.
pod install
Add Camera Permissions to Info.plist
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
Add also every other permission you want to configure in your config.js (vibrate, sound).
Anyline License
Your BundleIdentifier of your app has to match with your bundleID from your Anyline License.
4. Import the plugin to your JavaScript file
import Anyline from 'anyline-ocr-react-native-module';
5. Import the config file
import config from './config.js';
Add and import a JSON file with the proper structure and elements. The JSON config contains:
1.) The license key
2.) Options field with
- AnylineSDK config parameter
- “segment”: which contains the scanModes for the UI Segment (e.g. switch between Analog and Digital)
If you want to get detailed information on the config JSON, go to ourdocumentation
6. Add the Anyline component in your render function
<Anyline config={config} scanMode={“ANALOG_METER”} onResult={this.onResult} onError={this.onError} />
Key | Type | Default | Description |
config | string | *required | config (JSON String) |
scanMode | string | *required | Will set the scanMode/Module of the Plugin. |
onResult | function | *required | The function you pass will be the onResult callback. Use this callback to handle the found scan results. |
onError | function | *required | The onError function will be called when the AnylinePlugin encounters an error. Handle the error messages in this method. |
Stringified JSON with all the configurations, detailed information here.
Available settings:
onResult Function
Callback -> Stringified JSON
reading : 'Result of the Scan',
imagePath : 'path to cropped image',
fullImagePath : 'path to full image',
barcode : 'result of the simultaneous barcode scanning',
scanMode : 'selected scanMode',
meterType : 'meter type',
cutoutBase64 : 'base64 string of cropped image',
fullImageBase64 : 'base64 string of full image'
More information about the simultaneous barcode scanning here.
onError Function
Callback -> String