apac (Amazon Product Advertising Client) will allow you to access the Amazon Product Advertising API. Learn more about the API at https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/advertising/api/detail/main.html.
Install using kiwi:
kiwi install apac
Here's a quick example:
var sys = require('sys'),
kiwi = require('kiwi'),
OperationHelper = kiwi.require('apac').OperationHelper;
var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
awsId: '[YOUR AWS ID HERE]',
awsSecret: '[YOUR AWS SECRET HERE]',
opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
'SearchIndex': 'Books',
'Keywords': 'harry potter',
'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers'
}, function(error, results) {
if (error) { sys.print('Error: ' + error + "\n") }
sys.print("Results:\n" + results + "\n");
The library is pretty slim. It doesn't even parse the XML results yet. It is also very
new and may be unstable. That said, I'm using it without any problems.