Parser for Salesforce Apex (including Triggers & inline SOQL/SOQL). This is based on an ANTLR4 grammar, see antlr/ApexParser.g4.
There are two builds of the parser a available, a NPM module for use with Node and a Maven package for use on JVMs.
This builds just contains the Parser & Lexer and provides no further support for analysing the generated parse trees beyond what is provided by ANTLR4.
As Apex & SOQL/SOQL are case-insenstive languages you need to use the provided CaseInsensitiveInputStream for the parser to function correctly. When parsing Apex, inline SOQL/SOSL is automtaically parsed, but you may also parse SOQL/SOQL directly. You can find some minimal examples in the test classes.
To parse a class file (NPM version):
let lexer = new ApexLexer(new CaseInsensitiveInputStream("public class Hello {}"))
let tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
let parser = new ApexParser(tokens)
let context = parser.compilationUnit()
The 'context' is a CompilationUnitContext object which is the root of the parsed representation of the class. You can access the parse tree via functions on it.
To build both distributions:
npm run build
2.9.1 - JVM build and npm dependency updates
2.9.0 - Add SOQL Fields function
2.8.0 - Apex cast priority fix, SOSL & SOQL query format fixes, Added SOQL Date functions
2.7.1 - Bugfix for 'Network' identifier
2.7.0 - Support inline SOSL queries
2.6.1 - Dependency security fixes
2.6.0 - Add SOQL parsing support
2.5.0 - Allow safe navigation operator ?.
2.4.0 - Enable Listener & Visitor use
2.3.0 - Removed modifers from enhanced for loop
2.2.1 - Dependency security fixes
2.2.0 - Parser performance improvements
2.1.0 - Supports trigger parsing and switch statement parsing syntax was corrected
1.0.0 - Initial version
Source & Licenses
All the source code included uses a 3-clause BSD license. The only third-party component included is the Apex Antlr4 grammar originally from Tooling-force.com, although this version used is now markedly different from the original.