API Server Simulator
This Simulator allows for a Test Automation System to control and observe the universe of a Backend system that depends upon external API services. The two main features are:
- Simulate requests and responses for a REST Api server specified as scenarios in Excel files.
- Spy on API calls and emails being sent by your backend, so you can verify and use information sent to external systems.
- Contract testing
- Validate simulation scenarios (requests and responses) against a swagger file
- Dynamically create API simulations during your tests
- Make your test automation aware of external dependencies:
- Spy on calls made
- Spy on emails sent
How to use
First, install the library:
Install the required libraries.
npm install api-server-sim
Then, create a JS file containing the next code, named sim.js for example. Here we will configure and start an API server as specified in a list of Excel files located in your NodeJS project.
const ExcelServer = require("api-server-sim");
const files = ['./endpoints.xlsx'];
const port = 3000;
const validations = {
apiSpec: undefined,
validateRequests: false,
validateResponses: false
const sim = new ExcelServer({ files, port }, validations);
The endpoints.xlsx file contains the REST API endpoints to run. For example, the Excel can contain a table such as the next one as a "GET Hello World" endpoint:
scenario | method | url | headers | body | query | status | response |
Hello World | get | /hello | | | | 200 | { "message": "Hello World" }- |
The headers, body, query and response columns must be valid json objects or paths to a valid json file.
Finally, execute the sim.js file, by running node:
node sim.js
... or creating a script in your package.json and running with NPM:
npm run sim
For Developers: Running the acceptance tests
1. Download this code repository and install the required libraries.
npm install
2. Run the server
npm run start
3. Run the acceptance tests
After running the sample server provided in this library, run the sample Jasmine tests. Every test should pass.
npm test
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license.txt file for details.
Feel free to report suggestions and issues! Thanks.