Simple library for defining API requests asynchronously. Creates readable requests using a fuild chainable interface. Detects the content type and decodes it accordingy (currently available for application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded). Also, if one specifies the content type, a JS object may be passed in and it will be converted to the proper format by the proper content encoder.
At your command prompt type:
npm install api_request
Just include the library and start building requests:
var api_request = require('api_request');
var r = new api_request('http', 'themarg.in');
r.get('/').on('reply', function(reply, res) {
Also, you could make a request over SSL with basic authentication:
var r = new api_request('https', 'auth.themarg.in');
r.with_basic_auth('ada', '4d4').
get('/index.php').on('reply', function(reply, res) {
Or, you could post a JSON object over HTTPS with basic authentication:
var r = new api_request('https', 'auth.themarg.in');
with_basic_auth('ada', '4d4').
with_payload({'greeting': 'hi'}).
post('/index.php').on('reply', function(reply, res) {
Currently the only supported protocols are http or https. If someone wrote a module for another protocol that could be used as well, since it loads the module via a require statement.
It supports the four basic http verbs: 'GET', 'POST'. 'PUT', 'DELETE'.
Headers can be set like so:
var r = new api_request('http', 'themarg.in');
r.add_headers({'X-Orginating-IP': ''}).
get('/index.php').on('reply', function(reply, res) {
Multiple headers can be set at once.
Content Encoders and Handlers
If the API you use this with requests or replies with a different format from x-www-form-urlencoded or json, the library can be extended by providing a content encoder or content handler object. It's quite simple, actually:
var r = new api_request('https', 'auth.themarg.in');
'appplication/rss+xml': function(data) {
return decoded_data;
To send a different encoding, it goes like this:
var r = new api_request('https', 'auth.themarg.in');
'appplication/rss+xml': function(data) {
return encoded_data;
More than one type of encoder or handler can be added at a time.
- get(uri)
- post(uri)
- put(uri)
- del(uri)
- with_payload(data) -- chainable
- with_basic_auth(user, pass) -- chainable
- add_headers(headers_object) -- chainable
- add_content_encoders(encoder_object)
- add_content_handlers(handler_object)
- set_length(bytes) -- chainable