Start with a complete Koa server with zero configuration.
Apj includes Koa packages:
npm install apj --save
const Apj = require('apj');
new Apj().start();
Dev mode
new Apj({
dev: true
Add routes
const app = new Apj();
app.router.get('/my-route', ctx => {
ctx.body = 'hello';
Use middleware
new Apj({
use: [
async (ctx, next) => {
const start = Date.now();
await next();
const ms = Date.now() - start;
console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);
Kind: global class
new Apj([opt])
Create instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[opt] | object | | options
[opt.host] | string | "localhost" | host
[opt.port] | number | 80 | port
[opt.serverOptions] | object | | server options
[opt.devPort] | number | 3000 | dev port (when dev is true)
[opt.SSLPort] | number | 443 | SSL port
[opt.serverSSLOptions] | object | | SSL server options
[opt.helmetSettings] | object | | koa-helmet settings
[opt.routerSettings] | object | | koa-router settings
[opt.bodySettings] | object | | koa-body settings
[opt.successSettings] | object | | koa-json-success settings
[opt.structSettings] | object | | koa-struct settings
[opt.cacheSettings] | object | | koa-incache settings
[opt.corsSettings] | object | | @koa/cors@2 settings
[opt.viewsSettings] | object | | koa-views settings
[opt.loggerSettings] | object | | koa-logger settings
[opt.logger] | object | false | active koa-logger
[opt.ctx] | object | | Koa context
[opt.viewsPath] | string | "./views/" | path to views
[opt.staticPath] | string | "./public/" | path to static resources
[opt.use] | array | | array of middleware
[opt.autoStart] | boolean | false | start on create
[opt.responseErrorHandler] | boolean | | manipulate message and code
[opt.exposeError] | boolean | | expose all errors
apj.start() ⇒ Apj
Start server app
Kind: instance method of Apj
Emits: start
, SSLStart
apj.stop() ⇒ Apj
Stop server app
Kind: instance method of Apj
Emits: stop
, SSLStop
Triggered on server start
Kind: event emitted by Apj
Triggered on SSL server start
Kind: event emitted by Apj
Triggered on server stop
Kind: event emitted by Apj
Triggered on SSL server stop
Kind: event emitted by Apj
Apj~apj : object
Apj instance
Kind: inner typedef of Apj
Name | Type | Description |
app | object | Koa instance
router | object | router object
server | object | server instance
SSLServer | object | SSL server instance
You can view the changelog here
Apj is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license
Fabio Ricali