Apollo Flash
A smart and efficient toolkit to quickly bootstrap an apollo-server project.
It comes with the following tools:
- TypeDefs Schema and Resolvers auto-loader. Remove complexity of schema / resolvers objects management.
http-only cookie
based authentication with JWT. Strong stateless authentication that allows horizontal scaling and maximum security.- graphql-auth. Resolver's middleware function that enable app security checking. Flash also provide context generator accordingly.
Installation and dependencies
If you wish to use cookie based auth : you'll need some kind of tool that add a cookie
property to the request object (cookie-parser
is fine with express). because apollo-flash will look for a jwt in the cookie object first.
If you choose to not use cookie implementation, while it is recommanded, apollo-flash will only look for Authorization: Bearer <token>
In all cases apollo-flash will first try to look for a jwt cookie before looking for the authorizarion header.
That's why we suggest to use apollo-server-express
(or koa equivalent).
Then you just need to:
npm install apollo-flash --save
Core concepts
Apollo Flash will automatically load your types definitions and resolvers by parsing your project directories.
It is also shipped with a authentication middleware that add user in the app context.
Learn How to use the authication middleware
import ApolloFlash from "apollo-flash";
const userModel = new UserModel(DB)
const Flash = new ApolloFlash({
getScopeFromUser: user => Promise.resolve([]),
getUserFromId: userModel.findById.bind(this),
jwtSigningKey: "yoursigningstring",
resolversFolderPath: path.resolve(__dirname, "resolvers"),
typeDefsFolderPath: path.resolve(__dirname, "schemas")
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: async (serverContext) => ({
...await flash.buildContext(serverContext),
CourseModel: new CourseModel(DB),
Usermodel: userModel,
resolvers: Flash.generateRootResolver(),
typeDefs: Flash.generateTypeDefs()
Schema auto-loader
Tired of taking care that each type is correctly loaded before being able to use it in your schema definition ? Don't worry this is over.
All you need to do is create a directory which contain files that export an array of string
representing your scheme.
const UserSchema = `
"An user of the application"
type User {
_id: ID!
lastname: String!
firstname: String!
email: String!
preferences; UserPreferences
const UserPreferencesSchema = `
type UserPreferences {
displayStartHint: Boolean
export default [UserSchema, UserPreferencesSchema];
Schema types dependencies are auto-solved due to automated flattening imports using Flash.generateTypeDefs()
Folder structure is up to you and have no impact.
Resolver auto-loader
Resolvers are loaded the same way, except that file naming count.
Let's start by creating a folder named resolvers
Inside this folder, create a file named Query.js
and here is an example of content inside this file (You might use an object too, I'm using a class that is auto-instantiated while exporting, this is just a matter of preferences).
only search resolver for one level depth in the given folder, if you are using nested folder for destructuring, please use it as import in your resolvers.
class Query {
me = (root, values, context) => {
return context.auth.user || { _id: "", email: "", friends: [] };
getPlaces = async (root, values, context) => {
return await context.PlaceModel.findAll();
export default new Query();
Well. We just instantiated the root Query resolver.
Now me
property is returning an array of string in the friends
key which are user instance. We are going to transform this to real users instances.
class User {
friends = async (parent, values, context) => {
if (!parent.friends) {
return null;
return await Promise.all(
parent.friends.map(userId => context.UserModel.findById(userId))
See, combining class is simple as that.