Batch Link
An Apollo Link to allow batching of multiple operations into a single request. For example, the apollo-link-batch-http
uses this link to batch operations into a single http request.
npm install apollo-link-batch --save
import { BatchLink } from "apollo-link-batch";
const link = new BatchLink({
batchHandler: (operations: Operation[], forward: NextLink) => Observable<FetchResult[]> | null
Batch Link takes an object with three options on it to customize the behavior of the link. The only required option is the batchHandler function
name | value | default | required |
batchInterval | number | 10 | false |
batchMax | number | 0 | false |
batchHandler | (operations: Operation[], forward: NextLink) => Observable<FetchResult[]> | null | NA |
The Batch Link does not use the context for anything