Apollo Link Tracer
Trace your apollo queries and mutations with apollo-link.
Relies on @convoy/tracer.
Getting started
npm install apollo-link-tracer --save
import ApolloLinkTracer from 'apollo-link-tracer';
import { Reporter } from '@convoy/tracer';
const apiReporter = new Reporter({
flushHandler: async (timings, traces) => {
new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([
new ApolloLinkTracer({
service: 'my-service',
tracerConfig: {
reporter: apiReporter,
fullTraceSampleRate: 1,
name: 'apollo-link',
new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
const { tracer } = operation.getContext().tracer;
const requestId = tracer.getTraceId();
headers: {
'x-req-id': requestId,
return forward(operation);
new RetryLink(retryOptions),
new ApolloLinkTracer({
service: 'my-service',
tracerConfig: {
reporter: apiReporter,
fullTraceSampleRate: 1,
name: 'apollo-link-retry',
new HttpLink({ uri, fetch }),
Applying apollo-link-tracer both before and after the retry link lets you separately measure each retry, but provides a single trace across all of them.
A Tracer object is added to the operation context, which can then be used to pass a trace id to the HTTP headers to support cross service tracing.
Advanced options
On a per GQL request basis you can alter how the trace is captured.
context: {
tracerConfig: {
fullTraceSampleRate: 1 / 20,
traceService: 'my-service',
traceName: 'apollo-link-mutate',
traceResource: 'getSomething',
avoidTrace: false,
Filtering Sensitive Variables
To avoid reporting the contents of sensitive variables, you can specify variable filters.
new ApolloLinkTracer({
service: 'my-service',
tracerConfig: {
reporter: apiReporter,
fullTraceSampleRate: 1,
name: 'apollo-link-retry',
variableFilters: ['password', /secret.*sauce/],
Variable filters can be either string matches or regular expressions. Any variables whose names match these filters will have their values filtered out, e.g.
{ username: 'bob', password: 'hunter2', secret_hot_sauce: 'sri racha'}
{ username: 'bob', password: '<filtered>', secret_hot_sauce: '<filtered>'}