A Node.js module to show a menu in the terminal. Items in the menu can
be added continuously and the user can choose any available item at any
npm install appendable-cli-menu
In this example we use the
bonjour/zeroconf protocol to look
for http servers on the local network. We add them to the menu as they
are discovered and let the user choose one:
var bonjour = require('bonjour')()
var menu = require('appendable-cli-menu')
var servers = menu('Select an HTTP server', function (server) {
console.log('You selected %s (host: %s)', server.name, server.value)
var browser = bonjour.find({ type: 'http' }, function (service) {
servers.add({ name: service.name, value: service.host })
The above call the menu()
will show en empty menu to the user:
? Select an HTTP server (waiting...)
The subsequent calls to the servers.add()
will add new options to the
menu as they become available:
? Select an HTTP server (use arrow keys)
> mafintosh
The user can choose an item from the menu at any time. When he does, the
callback provided to menu()
will be called.