NodeJS module and commandline utility for re-signing iOS applications (IPA files).
Sergi Alvarez aka pancake @
Program Dependencies
- zip - re-create IPA
- unzip - decompress IPA
- codesign - sign and verify binary with new entitlements and identity
- security - get entitlements from mobileprovision
$ ipa-resign.js [--options ...] [input-ipafile]
-i, --identities List local codesign identities
-I, --identity 1C4D1A.. Specify hash-id of the identity to use
-r, --replace Replace the input IPA file with the resigned one
-e, --entitlements [ENTITL] Specify entitlements file (EXPERIMENTAL)
-w, --without-watchapp Remove the WatchApp from the IPA before resigning
-k, --keychain [KEYCHAIN] Specify alternative keychain file
-o, --output [APP.IPA] Path to the output IPA filename
-b, --bundleid [BUNDLEID] Change the bundleid when repackaging
-m, --mobileprovision [FILE] Specify the mobileprovision file to use
[input-ipafile] Path to the IPA file to resign
List local codesign identities:
$ bin/ipa-resign -I
Resign an IPA with a specific identity:
$ bin/ipa-resign -i 1C4D1A442A623A91E6656F74D170A711CB1D257A foo.ipa
Change bundleid:
$ bin/ipa-resign -b org.nowsecure.testapp path/to/ipa
API usage
Here's a simple program that resigns an IPA:
const Applesign = require('applesign');
const as = new Applesign({
identity: '81A24300FE2A8EAA99A9601FDA3EA811CD80526A',
mobileprovision: '/path/to/dev.mobileprovision',
withoutWatchapp: true
const s = as.signIPA('/path/to/app.ipa', onEnd)
.on('warning', (msg) => {
console.log('WARNING', msg);
.on('message', (msg) => {
console.log('msg', msg);
function onEnd(err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('ios-deploy -b', as.config.outfile);
To list the developer identities available in the system:
as.getIdentities((err, ids) => {
if (err) {
console.error(err, ids);
} else {
ids.forEach((id) => {
Bear in mind that the Applesign object can tuned to use different
configuration options:
const options = {
file: '/path/to/app.ipa',
outfile: '/path/to/app-resigned.ipa',
entitlement: '/path/to/entitlement',
bundleid: '',
identity: 'hash id of the developer',
mobileprovision: '/path/to/mobileprovision file',
ignoreVerificationErrors: true,
withoutWatchapp: true
Further reading
See the Wiki:
Pre iOS9 devices will require a developer account: