Archetype is a runtime type-casting library. Its purpose is to compose
types from existing types in a way that's easy to write and document.
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')
const moment = require('moment')
const Person = new Archetype({
name: 'string',
bandId: {
$type: ObjectId,
$required: true
createdAt: {
$type: moment,
$default: () => moment()
const test = new Person({
name: 'test',
bandId: '507f191e810c19729de860ea'
If casting fails, archetype throws a nice clean exception:
try {
new Person({
name: 'test',
bandId: 'ImNotAValidObjectId'
} catch(error) {
Archetypes are composable, inspectable, and extendable via extends
The returned function can be called without "new" keyword
const Person = new Archetype({name: 'string'}).compile('Person');
const p = Person({name: 'test'});