Andras' Library of Handy Utilities
This is a placeholder for some of the code I've been working on
that I want easy access to. Feel free to browse and use!
The components are all available with require('arlib')
, or each component
is loadable separately with eg require('arlib/tempnam')
php tempnam equivalent, creates a filename that does not exist on the
system. Like php, it also creates the file to prevent the name from
being reused.
var tempnam = require('arlib/tempnam');
var filename = tempnam("/usr/tmp", "filename-prefix-");
// /usr/tmp/filename-prefix-a7259b
traditional unix command option extractor, returns an object with
the options set as properties.
var getopt = require('arlib/getopt').getopt;
var options = getopt(process.argv, "f:h");
// {f: 'filename', h: true}
var options = getopt(process.argv, "(-file):(-help)");
// {file: 'filename', help: true}
synchronous line-at-a-time stream reader. Returns the next buffered line
or the empty string "" when the buffer is empty.
var fs = require('fs');
var Fgets = require('arlib').Fgets;
var fp = new Fgets(fs.createReadStream(filename, 'r'));
// line = fp.fgets();
fast file reader to fee data to fgets, 30% faster than read streams.
var FileReader = require('arlib').FileReader;
var fp = new Fgets(new FileReader(filename));
// line = fp.fgets();