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Armlet, a MythX API client wrapper
Armlet is a thin wrapper around the MythX API written in Javascript
which simplifies interaction with MythX. For example, the library
wraps API analysis requests into a promise.
Just as with any nodejs package, install with:
$ npm install armlet
Here is a small example of how you might use this client. For
demonstration purposes, we’ll set the credentials created on the
MythX, you can use either the Ethereum address or email used during
and the password you created:
$ export MYTHX_PASSWORD='AAAyyyyyyyy@*#!?'
$ export MYTHX_ETH_ADDRESS=0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef
Then get the MythX analysis results with the promise returned by
the exposed function:
const armlet = require('armlet')
const client = new armlet.Client(
password: process.env.MYTHX_PASSWORD,
ethAddress: process.env.MYTHX_ETH_ADDRESS,
email: process.env.EMAIL
const data = {
"bytecode": "0x608060405234801561001057600080fd5b5060d48061001f6000396000f3fe608060405260043610603f576000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff16806338d94193146044575b600080fd5b348015604f57600080fd5b50607960048036036020811015606457600080fd5b8101908080359060200190929190505050608f565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b600081600881101515609d57fe5b01600091509050548156fea165627a7a723058206f554b09240c9771a583534d72575fcfb4623ab4df3ddc139442047795fd383b0029",
.then(result => {
const util = require('util');
console.log(`${util.inspect(result.status, {depth: null})}`);
console.log(`${util.inspect(result.issues, {depth: null})}`);
}).catch(err => {
You can also specify the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the analysis to be
done (the default is 40 seconds). Also, for statistical tracking you can tag the type of tool making the request using clientToolName
As an example, to wait up to 50 seconds, and log analysis request as as use of armlet-readme
, run:
client.analyzeWithStatus({data, timeout: 50000, clientToolName: 'armlet-readme'})
.then(result => {
console.log(result.status, {depth: null})
console.log(result.issues, {depth: null})
}).catch(err => {
See Also