What's this?
This is a set of functions specialized in comparing and merging arrays of elements signed by unique set of IDs.
Although it was originally developed to facilitate server ⇒ client data-set replication (changes coming from database side are merged with the client-side date), it can be used in many other scenarios.
Why would I use this?
As mentioned in the into, this lib is specialized for working with database-style arrays, which contain elements signed by unique set of numeric ID fields. For example:
let cities = [
{cityID:1, cityName:'New York'},
{cityID:2, cityName:'London'}
let streets = [
{cityID:1, streetID:1, streetName: 'Wall Street'},
{cityID:1, streetID:2, streetName: 'South Street'},
{cityID:2, streetID:3, streetName: 'Downing Street'}
This lib can help you compare, link, merge, purge, filter, search, sort arrays of this kind.
How to install?
Simply open up a terminal, go to your project directory and run:
npm i --save array-merge-by-id
Try it before you buy it
You can try out all the examples (listed below) in your browser at RunKit.
Functions by category
Comparing, merging, linking elements of two arrays:
- merges new/changed elements into an existing arraycompareA
- compares elements of two arrays and returns an object containing common elements and differenceslinkA
- extends each child array element with a reference to it's parent elementeachPair
- calls a callback method for each matched elements of provided arrays
Searching & filtering:
- extract all the array elements which match the given key values (or are indicated by a comparer function)findFirstById
- returns the first matched element of the given typeindexOf
- returns index of first matching element in the given arrayuniqueA
- copies unique elements from source to a new array, which is then returned
Modifying, sorting, adding, removing elements of a single array:
- does an in-place concatination of elements of the source array at the end of target arrayclear
- removes all the elements of the given arraypurgeA
- removes elements indicated by a hit list from the provided arrayoverwrite
- removes all the elements of target and replaces them with elements from sourcesortOn
- sorts the given array based on the given key name array (or comparer function)
Other helper functions:
- compiles and returns a function which compares two data elements and detects which comes before which in an orderd liststringifyIDs
- creates CSV containing values of all the keys ending with "ID". It's usefull for debugging
TypeScript typings
This lib was written in TypeScript, which is good news for people using TypeScript - all the typing information is included in the build (don't worry - it can still be used in vanilla JavaScript ... etc).
- compareA(leftA, rightA, key_columns, config) ⇒
Compares elements of two arrays and returns an object containing common elements and differences (see comparisson results object).
- filterByKeys(aSearch, key_columns, key_values, findFirstOnly) ⇒
Extract all the array elements which match the given key values (or are indicated by a comparer function)
- findFirstById(aSearch, key_columns, key_values) ⇒
Returns the first matched element of the given type
- indexOf(aSearch, key_columns, key_values) ⇒
Returns index of first matching element in the given array
- linkA(parentA, childA, key_columns, linkName, config) ⇒
Extends each child array element with a reference to it's parent element (in parentA
array). Optionally it can extend parane element with a map of it's children.
- mergeA(currData, newData, key_columns, config) ⇒
Merges new/changed elements into an existing array
- purgeA(aTarget, aHitList, key_columns, config) ⇒
Removes elements indicated by a hit list from the provided array
- uniqueA(source, key_columns, config) ⇒
Copies unique elements from source
to a new array, which is then returned
- compileC(key_columns) ⇒
Compiles and returns a function which compares two data elements and detects which comes before which in an orderd list.
The compiled function expects the compared values to be numeric
- eachPair(leftA, rightA, key_columns, callbackFn, config) ⇒
Calls a callback method for each matched elements of provided arrays
- sortOn(source, key_columns) ⇒
Sorts the given array based on the given key name array (or comparer function)
- clear(target) ⇒
Removes all the elements of the given array
- overwrite(target, source) ⇒
removes all the elements of target
and replaces them with elements from source
- concat(target, source) ⇒
Does an in-place concatination of elements of the source
array at the end of target
- stringifyIDs(data) ⇒
Creates CSV containing values of all the keys ending with "ID". It's usefull for debugging
compareA(leftA, rightA, key_columns, config) ⇒ ArrayDiffResult
Compares elements of two arrays and returns an object containing common elements and differences (see comparisson results object).
Kind: global function
Returns: ArrayDiffResult
- comparisson results object (see ArrayDiffResult)
Param | Type | Description |
leftA | Array | first array be compared |
rightA | Array | second array be compared |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
config | ArrayDiffConfig | (optional) additional config parameters (see ArrayDiffConfig) |
let leftA = [
{cityID:1, cityName:'New York', weather:"windy"},
{cityID:2, cityName:'London', weather:"raining"}
let rightA = [
{cityID:2, cityName:'London', weather:"thunderstorm"},
{cityID:3, cityName:'Moscow', weather:"snowing"}
let diff = compareA(leftA, rightA, ["cityID"]);
filterByKeys(aSearch, key_columns, key_values, findFirstOnly) ⇒ Array
Extract all the array elements which match the given key values (or are indicated by a comparer function)
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- array of matched elements
Param | Type | Description |
aSearch | Array | array to be searched |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
key_values | Map | (optional) an object which should be matched with an element from aSearch array - it's optional because key_columns param can contain a function which doesn't need it |
findFirstOnly | boolean | (optional) should only the first matched element be returned (defaults to false ) |
let streets = [{cityID:22, streetID:1}, {cityID:44, streetID:2}, {cityID:22, streetID:3}];
let myCityStreets = filterByKeys(streets, ['cityID'], {cityID:22});
findFirstById(aSearch, key_columns, key_values) ⇒ Object
Returns the first matched element of the given type
Kind: global function
Returns: Object
- matched array element
Param | Type | Description |
aSearch | Array | array to be searched |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
key_values | Map | (optional) an object which should be matched with an element from aSearch array - it's optional because key_columns param can contain a function which doesn't need it |
let streets = [{cityID:22, streetID:1}, {cityID:44, streetID:2}, {cityID:22, streetID:3}];
let myStreet = findFirstById(streets, ['cityID','streetID'], {cityID:44, streetID:2});
indexOf(aSearch, key_columns, key_values) ⇒ number
Returns index of first matching element in the given array
Kind: global function
Returns: number
- element index
Param | Type | Description |
aSearch | Array | array to be searched |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
key_values | Map | (optional) an object which should be matched with an element from aSearch array - it's optional because key_columns param can contain a function which doesn't need it |
let streets = [{cityID:22, streetID:1}, {cityID:44, streetID:2}, {cityID:22, streetID:3}];
let streetIndex = findFirstById(streets, ['cityID','streetID'], {cityID:44, streetID:2});
linkA(parentA, childA, key_columns, linkName, config) ⇒ ArrayLinkResult
Extends each child array element with a reference to it's parent element (in parentA
array). Optionally it can extend parane element with a map of it's children.
Kind: global function
Returns: ArrayLinkResult
- linking results object(see ArrayLinkResult)
Param | Type | Default | Description |
parentA | Array | | array containting parent elements |
childA | Array | | array containing child elements |
key_columns | CompareBy | | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
linkName | string | "parent" | (optional) name of the property which should be assigned a reference to parent element (defaults to 'parent') |
config | ArrayDiffConfig | | (optional) additional config parameters (see ArrayDiffConfig) |
let cities = [ {cityID:22, cityName:'New York'}, {cityID:44, cityName:'London'} ];
let streets = [{cityID:22, streetID:1}, {cityID:44, streetID:2}, {cityID:22, streetID:3}];
let result = linkA(cities, streets, ['cityID'], 'city')
mergeA(currData, newData, key_columns, config) ⇒ ArrayDiffResult
Merges new/changed elements into an existing array
Kind: global function
Returns: ArrayDiffResult
- comparisson results object (see ArrayDiffResult)
Param | Type | Description |
currData | Array | an array of "current" data elements |
newData | Array | an array of changes and new data elements |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
config | ArrayDiffConfig | (optional) additional config parameters (see ArrayDiffConfig) |
let currData = [
{cityID:1, cityName:'New York'},
{cityID:2, cityName:'Londonnnnn'}
let newData = [
{cityID:2, cityName:'London'},
{cityID:3, cityName:'Rome' }
let mergeFn = (element, changes) => { element.cityName = changes.cityName; };
let result = mergeA(currData, newData, ['cityID'], { callbackFn: mergeFn });
purgeA(aTarget, aHitList, key_columns, config) ⇒ Array
Removes elements indicated by a hit list from the provided array
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- an array of removed elements
Param | Type | Description |
aTarget | Array | array to be purged |
aHitList | Array | hit list - indicates which element from aTarget should be removed |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
config | ArrayPurgeConfig | (optional) additional config parameters (see ArrayPurgeConfig) |
let targetA = [
{cityID:1, cityName:'New York'},
{cityID:2, cityName:'London'},
{cityID:3, cityName:'Rome' }
let hitList = [ { cityID: 1 }, { cityID: 3 } ];
let elFreq = [];
let result = purgeA(targetA, hitList, ['cityID'] { elFreq: elFreq });
uniqueA(source, key_columns, config) ⇒ Array
Copies unique elements from source
to a new array, which is then returned
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- array of unique elements
Param | Type | Description |
source | Array | source array - which may contain duplicates |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
config | ArrayUniqueConfig | (optional) additional config parameters (see ArrayUniqueConfig) |
let source = [ {cityID:1, cityName:'New York'}, {cityID:2, cityName:'London'}, {cityID:2, cityName:'London'} ];
let result = uniqueA(source, ["cityID"]);
compileC(key_columns) ⇒ function
Compiles and returns a function which compares two data elements and detects which comes before which in an orderd list.
The compiled function expects the compared values to be numeric
Kind: global function
Returns: function
- compiled function
Param | Type | Description |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
let ascFn = compileC('cityID','streetID');
ascFn({cityID:1, streetID:1}, {cityID:1, streetID:1});
ascFn({cityID:1, streetID:1}, {cityID:1, streetID:2});
ascFn({cityID:2, streetID:1}, {cityID:1, streetID:2});
let descFn = compileC('cityID:desc','streetID:desc');
descFn({cityID:1, streetID:1}, {cityID:1, streetID:1});
descFn({cityID:1, streetID:1}, {cityID:1, streetID:2});
descFn({cityID:2, streetID:1}, {cityID:1, streetID:2});
eachPair(leftA, rightA, key_columns, callbackFn, config) ⇒ ArrayDiffResult
Calls a callback method for each matched elements of provided arrays
Kind: global function
Returns: ArrayDiffResult
- comparisson results object
Param | Type | Description |
leftA | Array | first array of elements |
rightA | Array | second array of elements |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
callbackFn | function | function to be called for each of mathced element pairs |
config | ArrayDiffConfig | (optional) additional config parameters (see ArrayDiffConfig) |
let cities = [ {cityID:22, name:'New York'}, {cityID:44, name:'London'} ];
let streets = [
{cityID:22, streetID:1, name:'Elm Street'},
{cityID:22, streetID:3, name:'Wall St'},
{cityID:44, streetID:2, name:'Downing St'}
let callbackFn = (city, street) => {
console.log(street.name + ' ' + city.name)
eachPair(cities, streets, ["cityID"], callbackFn);
sortOn(source, key_columns) ⇒ Array
Sorts the given array based on the given key name array (or comparer function)
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- array passed via source
Param | Type | Description |
source | Array | array to be sorted |
key_columns | CompareBy | definition on how elements of two arrays should be compared (see CompareBy) |
let source = [{cityID:2},{cityID:3},{cityID:1}];
sortOn(source, ["cityID"]);
sortOn(source, ["cityID:desc"]);
let streets = [
{cityID:22, streetID:1, name:'Elm Street'},
{cityID:44, streetID:2, name:'Downing St'},
{cityID:22, streetID:3, name:'Wall St'}
sortOn(source, ["cityID", "streetID:desc"]);
clear(target) ⇒ Array
Removes all the elements of the given array
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- array passed via target
Param | Type | Description |
target | Array | array to be cleared |
let source = [{cityID:2},{cityID:3},{cityID:1}];
overwrite(target, source) ⇒ Array
removes all the elements of target
and replaces them with elements from source
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- array passed via target
Param | Type | Description |
target | Array | array to be overwritten |
source | Array | array who's elements are to be places in target |
let target = [{cityID:100},{cityID:200}];
let source = [{cityID:2},{cityID:3},{cityID:1}];
overwrite(target, source);
concat(target, source) ⇒ Array
Does an in-place concatination of elements of the source
array at the end of target
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- array passed via target
Param | Type | Description |
target | Array | array which should receive new elements |
source | Array | array of elements which should be added at the end of the target array |
let target = [{cityID:100},{cityID:200}];
let source = [{cityID:2},{cityID:3},{cityID:1}];
concat(target, source);
stringifyIDs(data) ⇒ string
Creates CSV containing values of all the keys ending with "ID". It's usefull for debugging
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- CSV of key values
Param | Type | Description |
data | Object | object or array to be converted to CSV |
let obj = { cityID: 11, streetID: 22, streetName: 'Elm Street' };
let result = stringifyIDs(obj);
Param types
Functions which compare array elements need to be instructed how two elements can be compared. This can be done in two ways:
- by passing an array of ID property names, which should be compared to determin the relation of the two objects
- by passing a comparer function, which receives tow elements and returns a numeric value indicating the relation of the objects
If an array of property names is passed, a comparer function will be compiled automatically (via compileC
) function.
The following snippet shows how comparisson can be defined via a comparer function:
let leftA = [
{cityID:1, cityName:'New York', weather:"windy"},
{cityID:2, cityName:'London', weather:"raining"}
let rightA = [
{cityID:2, cityName:'London', weather:"thunderstorm"},
{cityID:3, cityName:'Moscow', weather:"snowing"}
const comparerFn = (leftEl, rightEl) => {
if(leftEl.cityID===rightEl.cityID) {
if(leftEl.cityID<rightEl.cityID) {
let diff = compareA(leftA, rightA, comparerFn);
The previous example can be re-written to define comparrison via property name array instead of comparer function:
let leftA = [
{cityID:1, cityName:'New York', weather:"windy"},
{cityID:2, cityName:'London', weather:"raining"}
let rightA = [
{cityID:2, cityName:'London', weather:"thunderstorm"},
{cityID:3, cityName:'Moscow', weather:"snowing"}
let diff = compareA(leftA, rightA, ["cityID"]);
Descending order
If a ID name array is passed as key_columns
params, the compiled function will compare elements in ascending order.
We can change this behaviour by appending :desc
to a ID name ... like so: ['cityID:desc','streetID:desc']
See an example given for the sortOn
We can modify the way the functions work, by providing an config object. All the options in the config
object are optional.
Here's a list of available options:
- how should the leftA
array be sortedsortRightBy
- how should the rightA
be sortedskipSort
- set it to true
if arrays are not to be sortedunique
- set it to true
if are all the array elements unique - it speeds up the algorithmlinkName
- property assigned to the rightA
elements, which should be pointing to the matching element in the leftA
- property assigned to the leftA
elements, containig array of all the matched elemens from the rightA
- a callback function, which should be called for each of the matched element pairs
and sortRightBy
Description: defines how the arrays passed to the function should be sorted
Defaults to: value passed as key_columns
Expected value: we can pass a function or an array of ID param names (see CompareBy)
In order to be more efficient, functions which rely on comparing array elements will sort both of the given arrays.
By default the functions use key_columns
parameter to sort the arrays.
This can be overriden by specifying a dedicated sorting order for each of the two arrays:
= defines how the left array should be sorted (passed as the first param)config.sortRightBy
= defines how the right array should be sorted (passed as the second param)
Sorting of an array can be disabled by assigning null
to corresponding sort config param:
sortLeftBy: null
This config si very similar to ArrayDiffConfig
param type. The following params are the same as in ArrayDiffConfig
The following params are unique to this param type:
= how should both arrays be sortedmapRemoved
- flag indicating should removed elements be mapped and returnedmatchMulti
- can an element from the hit list array be matched with multiple elements from the target array (defaults to false
- set it to true
if arrays are not to be sortedelFreq
- output param - an array in which element frequency is to be recorded (see the example given in the uniqueA
method description)
Return Types
contains results of comparing two arrays. It has the following structure:
contains results of linking two arrays. It has the following structure:
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