Arrivals (OSX)
Arrivals will watch a directory and convert or copy a variety of incoming
audio or video files for you then place them somewhere you choose. This only
works with OSX and the primary use-case is incoming torrents in flac or mkv
formats that you'd like to play nice in an Apple ecosystem.
npm install arrivals-osx -g
Simplest case:
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ arrivals --watch=incoming --destination=converted
Install as a system daemon and control
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ arrivals install --watch=incoming --destination=converted
-> users:mshick:downloads:incoming // resolved path, made friendly for dirnames
$ arrivals restart|stop|uninstall users:mshick:downloads:incoming
There are a number of system dependencies. For audio, only FFmpeg is required.
For video I suggest using my fork of mkvtomp4 via homebrew. It will install all the
dependencies you need.
$ brew tap mshick/personal
$ brew install mshick/personal/mkvtomp4
The paths for these need to be defined absolutely, so if you don't use a
standard homebrew installation path, or you use different versions of these
you may need to pass additional command-line options, e.g.:
$ arrivals --watch=incoming --destination=converted --ffmpeg=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg --mkvextract=/usr/local/bin/mkvextract
Required system libraries
- ffmpeg (with libfdk_aac)
- mkvextract
- mp4box
- mkvinfo
- mkvtomp4
How it works
- Launches watcher for a directory
- Builds existing paths database
- When events occur, evaluate against criterion
- is correct event
- is proper extension
- is not in existing paths db
- Push to work queue
- Tag with "pending" for Finder*
- Do work, either mkvtomp4 or ffmpeg
- Tag with "finished" or "error" for Finder*
- launch per directory
- launchdaemon / plist
- reset seen files
- add tagging in finder support
- persistent db as option?
- rewrite to not require mkvtomp4 (big job) and maybe use ffprobe