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@@ -139,3 +139,3 @@ export declare namespace services {

export declare type Directive = interfaces.videoapp.LaunchDirective | interfaces.audioplayer.StopDirective | dialog.ConfirmSlotDirective | interfaces.audioplayer.PlayDirective | interfaces.display.RenderTemplateDirective | dialog.ElicitSlotDirective | interfaces.audioplayer.ClearQueueDirective | dialog.DelegateDirective | interfaces.display.HintDirective | dialog.ConfirmIntentDirective;
export declare type Directive = interfaces.videoapp.LaunchDirective | interfaces.audioplayer.StopDirective | dialog.ConfirmSlotDirective | interfaces.audioplayer.PlayDirective | interfaces.connections.SendResponseDirective | interfaces.connections.SendRequestDirective | interfaces.display.RenderTemplateDirective | dialog.ElicitSlotDirective | interfaces.audioplayer.ClearQueueDirective | dialog.DelegateDirective | interfaces.display.HintDirective | dialog.ConfirmIntentDirective;

@@ -168,3 +168,3 @@ * An object that represents what the user wants.

export declare type Request = interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackStoppedRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackFinishedRequest | events.skillevents.SkillEnabledRequest | services.listManagement.ListUpdatedEventRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.PreviousCommandIssuedRequest | events.skillevents.SkillDisabledRequest | interfaces.display.ElementSelectedRequest | services.listManagement.ListItemsUpdatedEventRequest | events.skillevents.PermissionChangedRequest | services.listManagement.ListItemsCreatedEventRequest | events.skillevents.AccountLinkedRequest | SessionEndedRequest | services.listManagement.ListCreatedEventRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackStartedRequest | IntentRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackNearlyFinishedRequest | services.listManagement.ListItemsDeletedEventRequest | interfaces.messaging.MessageReceivedRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackFailedRequest | interfaces.system.ExceptionEncounteredRequest | events.skillevents.PermissionAcceptedRequest | services.listManagement.ListDeletedEventRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.NextCommandIssuedRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.PauseCommandIssuedRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.PlayCommandIssuedRequest | LaunchRequest;
export declare type Request = interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackStoppedRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackFinishedRequest | events.skillevents.SkillEnabledRequest | services.listManagement.ListUpdatedEventRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.PreviousCommandIssuedRequest | events.skillevents.SkillDisabledRequest | interfaces.display.ElementSelectedRequest | services.listManagement.ListItemsUpdatedEventRequest | events.skillevents.PermissionChangedRequest | services.listManagement.ListItemsCreatedEventRequest | events.skillevents.AccountLinkedRequest | SessionEndedRequest | services.listManagement.ListCreatedEventRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackStartedRequest | IntentRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackNearlyFinishedRequest | services.listManagement.ListItemsDeletedEventRequest | interfaces.connections.ConnectionsResponse | interfaces.messaging.MessageReceivedRequest | interfaces.audioplayer.PlaybackFailedRequest | interfaces.connections.ConnectionsRequest | interfaces.system.ExceptionEncounteredRequest | events.skillevents.PermissionAcceptedRequest | services.listManagement.ListDeletedEventRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.NextCommandIssuedRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.PauseCommandIssuedRequest | interfaces.playbackcontroller.PlayCommandIssuedRequest | LaunchRequest;

@@ -294,2 +294,234 @@ * Request wrapper for all requests sent to your Skill.

export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* This object encapsulates details about an Authorization object including the status, amount captured and fee charged.
* @interface
interface AuthorizationDetails {
'amazonAuthorizationId'?: string;
'authorizationReferenceId'?: string;
'sellerAuthorizationNote'?: string;
'authorizationAmount'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.Price;
'capturedAmount'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.Price;
'authorizationFee'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.Price;
'idList'?: Array<string>;
'creationTimestamp'?: string;
'expirationTimestamp'?: string;
'authorizationStatus'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.AuthorizationStatus;
'softDecline'?: boolean;
'captureNow'?: boolean;
'softDescriptor'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* Indicates the current status of an Authorization object, a Capture object, or a Refund object.
* @interface
interface AuthorizationStatus {
'state'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.State;
'reasonCode'?: string;
'reasonDescription'?: string;
'lastUpdateTimestamp'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* This is an object to set the attributes specified in the AuthorizeAttributes table. See the “AuthorizationDetails” section of the Amazon Pay API reference guide for details about this object.
* @interface
interface AuthorizeAttributes {
'authorizationReferenceId': string;
'authorizationAmount': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.Price;
'transactionTimeout'?: number;
'sellerAuthorizationNote'?: string;
'softDescriptor'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* The merchant can choose to set the attributes specified in the BillingAgreementAttributes.
* @interface
interface BillingAgreementAttributes {
'platformId'?: string;
'sellerNote'?: string;
'sellerBillingAgreementAttributes'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.SellerBillingAgreementAttributes;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* The result attributes from successful SetupAmazonPay call.
* @interface
interface BillingAgreementDetails {
'billingAgreementId': string;
'creationTimestamp'?: string;
'destination'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.Destination;
'checkoutLanguage'?: string;
'releaseEnvironment': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.ReleaseEnvironment;
'billingAgreementStatus': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.BillingAgreementStatus;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* Indicates the current status of the billing agreement. For more information about the State and ReasonCode response elements, see Billing agreement states and reason codes -
* @enum
type BillingAgreementStatus = 'CANCELED' | 'CLOSED' | 'DRAFT' | 'OPEN' | 'SUSPENDED';
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* The default shipping address of the buyer. Returned if needAmazonShippingAddress is set to true.
* @interface
interface Destination {
'name'?: string;
'companyName'?: string;
'addressLine1'?: string;
'addressLine2'?: string;
'addressLine3'?: string;
'city'?: string;
'districtOrCounty'?: string;
'stateOrRegion'?: string;
'postalCode'?: string;
'countryCode'?: string;
'phone'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* * This is used to specify applicable payment action. * Authorize – you want to confirm the order and authorize a certain amount, but you do not want to capture at this time. * AuthorizeAndCapture – you want to confirm the order, authorize for the given amount, and capture the funds.
* @enum
type PaymentAction = 'Authorize' | 'AuthorizeAndCapture';
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* This object specifies amount and currency authorized/captured.
* @interface
interface Price {
'amount': string;
'currencyCode': string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* This is required only for Ecommerce provider (Solution provider) use cases.
* @interface
interface ProviderAttributes {
'providerId': string;
'providerCreditList': Array<interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.ProviderCredit>;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* @interface
interface ProviderCredit {
'providerId'?: string;
'credit'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.Price;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* Indicates if the order is for a Live (Production) or Sandbox environment.
* @enum
type ReleaseEnvironment = 'LIVE' | 'SANDBOX';
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* Provides more context about the billing agreement that is represented by this Billing Agreement object.
* @interface
interface SellerBillingAgreementAttributes {
'sellerBillingAgreementId'?: string;
'storeName'?: string;
'customInformation'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* This object includes elements shown to buyers in emails and in their transaction history. See the “SellerOrderAttributes” section of the Amazon Pay API reference guide for details about this object.
* @interface
interface SellerOrderAttributes {
'sellerOrderId'?: string;
'storeName'?: string;
'customInformation'?: string;
'sellerNote'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1 {
* Indicates the state that the Authorization object, Capture object, or Refund object is in. For more information see -
* @enum
type State = 'Pending' | 'Open' | 'Declined' | 'Closed' | 'Completed';
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.v1 {
* Error response for SetupAmazonPay and ChargeAmazonPay calls.
* @interface
interface AmazonPayErrorResponse {
'errorCode': string;
'errorMessage': string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.v1 {
* Charge Amazon Pay Request Object
* @interface
interface ChargeAmazonPay {
'consentToken'?: string;
'sellerId': string;
'billingAgreementId': string;
'paymentAction': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.PaymentAction;
'authorizeAttributes': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.AuthorizeAttributes;
'sellerOrderAttributes'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.SellerOrderAttributes;
'providerAttributes'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.ProviderAttributes;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.v1 {
* Charge Amazon Pay Result Object. It is sent as part of the reponse to ChargeAmazonPay request.
* @interface
interface ChargeAmazonPayResult {
'amazonOrderReferenceId': string;
'authorizationDetails': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.AuthorizationDetails;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.v1 {
* Setup Amazon Pay Request Object
* @interface
interface SetupAmazonPay {
'consentToken'?: string;
'sellerId': string;
'countryOfEstablishment': string;
'ledgerCurrency': string;
'checkoutLanguage'?: string;
'billingAgreementAttributes'?: interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.BillingAgreementAttributes;
'needAmazonShippingAddress'?: boolean;
'sandboxMode'?: boolean;
'sandboxCustomerEmailId'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.amazonpay.v1 {
* Setup Amazon Pay Result Object. It is sent as part of the reponse to SetupAmazonPay request.
* @interface
interface SetupAmazonPayResult {
'billingAgreementDetails': interfaces.amazonpay.model.v1.BillingAgreementDetails;
export declare namespace interfaces.audioplayer {

@@ -397,2 +629,12 @@ /**

export declare namespace interfaces.connections {
* Connection Status indicates a high level understanding of the result of ConnectionsRequest.
* @interface
interface ConnectionsStatus {
'code': string;
'message'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.display {

@@ -496,2 +738,18 @@ /**

export declare namespace interfaces.monetization.v1 {
* Entity to define In Skill Product over which actions will be performed.
* @interface
interface InSkillProduct {
'productId': string;
export declare namespace interfaces.monetization.v1 {
* Response from purchase directives: * ACCEPTED - User have accepted the offer to purchase the product * DECLINED - User have declined the offer to purchase the product * NOT_ENTITLED - User tries to cancel/return a product he/she is not entitled to. * ALREADY_PURCHASED - User has already purchased the product * ERROR - An internal error occurred
* @enum
export declare namespace interfaces.system {

@@ -800,2 +1058,58 @@ /**

export declare namespace services.monetization {
* State determining if the user is entitled to the product. Note - Any new values introduced later should be treated as 'NOT_ENTITLED'. * 'ENTITLED' - The user is entitled to the product. * 'NOT_ENTITLED' - The user is not entitled to the product.
* @enum
type EntitledState = 'ENTITLED' | 'NOT_ENTITLED';
export declare namespace services.monetization {
* Describes error detail
* @interface
interface Error {
'message'?: string;
export declare namespace services.monetization {
* @interface
interface InSkillProduct {
'productId': string;
'referenceName': string;
'name': string;
'type': services.monetization.ProductType;
'summary': string;
'purchasable': services.monetization.PurchasableState;
'entitled': services.monetization.EntitledState;
export declare namespace services.monetization {
* @interface
interface InSkillProductsResponse {
'inSkillProducts': Array<services.monetization.InSkillProduct>;
'isTruncated': boolean;
'nextToken': string;
export declare namespace services.monetization {
* Product type. * 'SUBSCRIPTION' - Once purchased, customers will own the content for the subscription period. * 'ENTITLEMENT' - Once purchased, customers will own the content forever.
* @enum
type ProductType = 'SUBSCRIPTION' | 'ENTITLEMENT';
export declare namespace services.monetization {
* State determining if the product is purchasable by the user. Note - Any new values introduced later should be treated as 'NOT_PURCHASABLE'. * 'PURCHASABLE' - The product is purchasable by the user. * 'NOT_PURCHASABLE' - The product is not purchasable by the user.
* @enum
type PurchasableState = 'PURCHASABLE' | 'NOT_PURCHASABLE';
export declare namespace slu.entityresolution {

@@ -1129,2 +1443,63 @@ /**

export declare namespace interfaces.connections {
* This is the request object that a skill will receive as a result of Connections.SendRequest directive from sender skill.
* @interface
interface ConnectionsRequest {
'type': 'Connections.Request';
'requestId': string;
'timestamp': string;
'locale': string;
'name'?: string;
'payload'?: {
[key: string]: any;
export declare namespace interfaces.connections {
* This is the request object that a skill will receive as a result of Connections.SendResponse directive from referrer skill.
* @interface
interface ConnectionsResponse {
'type': 'Connections.Response';
'requestId': string;
'timestamp': string;
'locale': string;
'status'?: interfaces.connections.ConnectionsStatus;
'name'?: string;
'payload'?: {
[key: string]: any;
'token'?: string;
export declare namespace interfaces.connections {
* This is the directive that a skill can send as part of their response to a session based request to execute a predefined Connections. This will also return a result to the referring skill. (No Guarantee response will be returned)
* @interface
interface SendRequestDirective {
'type': 'Connections.SendRequest';
'name': string;
'payload'?: {
[key: string]: any;
'token': string;
export declare namespace interfaces.connections {
* This is the directive that a skill can send as part of their response to a session based request to return a response to ConnectionsRequest.
* @interface
interface SendResponseDirective {
'type': 'Connections.SendResponse';
'status': interfaces.connections.ConnectionsStatus;
'payload'?: {
[key: string]: any;
export declare namespace interfaces.display {

@@ -1620,2 +1995,26 @@ /**

export declare namespace services.monetization {
class MonetizationServiceClient extends BaseServiceClient {
constructor(apiConfiguration: ApiConfiguration);
* @param {string} acceptLanguage User&#39;s locale/language in context
* @param {string} purchasable Filter products based on whether they are purchasable by the user or not. * &#39;PURCHASABLE&#39; - Products that are purchasable by the user. * &#39;NOT_PURCHASABLE&#39; - Products that are not purchasable by the user.
* @param {string} entitled Filter products based on whether they are entitled to the user or not. * &#39;ENTITLED&#39; - Products that the user is entitled to. * &#39;NOT_ENTITLED&#39; - Products that the user is not entitled to.
* @param {string} productType Product type. * &#39;SUBSCRIPTION&#39; - Once purchased, customers will own the content for the subscription period. * &#39;ENTITLEMENT&#39; - Once purchased, customers will own the content forever.
* @param {string} nextToken When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element, the value of which can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that In-Skill Products API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
* @param {number} maxResults sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 100 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it will never contain more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned because maxResults was exceeded, the response contains isTruncated &#x3D; true.
getInSkillProducts(acceptLanguage: string, purchasable?: string, entitled?: string, productType?: string, nextToken?: string, maxResults?: number): Promise<services.monetization.InSkillProductsResponse>;
* @param {string} acceptLanguage User&#39;s locale/language in context
* @param {string} productId Product Id.
getInSkillProduct(acceptLanguage: string, productId: string): Promise<services.monetization.InSkillProduct>;
export declare namespace services {

@@ -1634,3 +2033,4 @@ /**

getListManagementServiceClient(): listManagement.ListManagementServiceClient;
getMonetizationServiceClient(): monetization.MonetizationServiceClient;

@@ -615,2 +615,103 @@ "use strict";

(function (services) {
var monetization;
(function (monetization) {
var MonetizationServiceClient = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(MonetizationServiceClient, _super);
function MonetizationServiceClient(apiConfiguration) {
return, apiConfiguration) || this;
* @param {string} acceptLanguage User&#39;s locale/language in context
* @param {string} purchasable Filter products based on whether they are purchasable by the user or not. * &#39;PURCHASABLE&#39; - Products that are purchasable by the user. * &#39;NOT_PURCHASABLE&#39; - Products that are not purchasable by the user.
* @param {string} entitled Filter products based on whether they are entitled to the user or not. * &#39;ENTITLED&#39; - Products that the user is entitled to. * &#39;NOT_ENTITLED&#39; - Products that the user is not entitled to.
* @param {string} productType Product type. * &#39;SUBSCRIPTION&#39; - Once purchased, customers will own the content for the subscription period. * &#39;ENTITLEMENT&#39; - Once purchased, customers will own the content forever.
* @param {string} nextToken When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element, the value of which can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that In-Skill Products API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
* @param {number} maxResults sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 100 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it will never contain more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned because maxResults was exceeded, the response contains isTruncated &#x3D; true.
MonetizationServiceClient.prototype.getInSkillProducts = function (acceptLanguage, purchasable, entitled, productType, nextToken, maxResults) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var __operationId__, queryParams, headerParams, pathParams, authorizationValue, errorDefinitions;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
__operationId__ = 'getInSkillProducts';
// verify required parameter 'acceptLanguage' is not null or undefined
if (acceptLanguage == null) {
throw new Error("Required parameter acceptLanguage was null or undefined when calling " + __operationId__ + ".");
queryParams = new Map();
if (purchasable != null) {
queryParams.set('purchasable', purchasable);
if (entitled != null) {
queryParams.set('entitled', entitled);
if (productType != null) {
queryParams.set('productType', productType);
if (nextToken != null) {
queryParams.set('nextToken', nextToken);
if (maxResults != null) {
queryParams.set('maxResults', maxResults.toString());
headerParams = [];
headerParams.push({ key: 'Content-type', value: 'application/json' });
headerParams.push({ key: 'Accept-Language', value: acceptLanguage });
pathParams = new Map();
authorizationValue = "Bearer " + this.apiConfiguration.authorizationValue;
headerParams.push({ key: "Authorization", value: authorizationValue });
errorDefinitions = new Map();
errorDefinitions.set(200, "Returns a list of In-Skill products on success.");
errorDefinitions.set(400, "Invalid request");
errorDefinitions.set(401, "The authentication token is invalid or doesn&#39;t have access to make this request");
errorDefinitions.set(500, "Internal Server Error");
return [2 /*return*/, this.invoke("GET", this.apiConfiguration.apiEndpoint, "/v1/users/~current/skills/~current/inSkillProducts", pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, null, errorDefinitions)];
* @param {string} acceptLanguage User&#39;s locale/language in context
* @param {string} productId Product Id.
MonetizationServiceClient.prototype.getInSkillProduct = function (acceptLanguage, productId) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var __operationId__, queryParams, headerParams, pathParams, authorizationValue, errorDefinitions;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
__operationId__ = 'getInSkillProduct';
// verify required parameter 'acceptLanguage' is not null or undefined
if (acceptLanguage == null) {
throw new Error("Required parameter acceptLanguage was null or undefined when calling " + __operationId__ + ".");
// verify required parameter 'productId' is not null or undefined
if (productId == null) {
throw new Error("Required parameter productId was null or undefined when calling " + __operationId__ + ".");
queryParams = new Map();
headerParams = [];
headerParams.push({ key: 'Content-type', value: 'application/json' });
headerParams.push({ key: 'Accept-Language', value: acceptLanguage });
pathParams = new Map();
pathParams.set('productId', productId);
authorizationValue = "Bearer " + this.apiConfiguration.authorizationValue;
headerParams.push({ key: "Authorization", value: authorizationValue });
errorDefinitions = new Map();
errorDefinitions.set(200, "Returns an In-Skill Product on success.");
errorDefinitions.set(400, "Invalid request.");
errorDefinitions.set(401, "The authentication token is invalid or doesn&#39;t have access to make this request");
errorDefinitions.set(404, "Requested resource not found.");
errorDefinitions.set(500, "Internal Server Error.");
return [2 /*return*/, this.invoke("GET", this.apiConfiguration.apiEndpoint, "/v1/users/~current/skills/~current/inSkillProducts/{productId}", pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, null, errorDefinitions)];
return MonetizationServiceClient;
monetization.MonetizationServiceClient = MonetizationServiceClient;
})(monetization = services.monetization || (services.monetization = {}));
})(services = || ( = {}));
(function (services) {

@@ -668,2 +769,16 @@ * Helper class that instantiates an ServiceClient implementation automatically resolving its

* Gets an instance of { monetization.MonetizationService }.
* @returns { monetization.MonetizationService }
ServiceClientFactory.prototype.getMonetizationServiceClient = function () {
try {
return new services.monetization.MonetizationServiceClient(this.apiConfiguration);
catch (e) {
var factoryError = new Error("ServiceClientFactory Error while initializing MonetizationServiceClient: " + e.message);
factoryError['name'] = 'ServiceClientFactoryError';
throw factoryError;
return ServiceClientFactory;

@@ -670,0 +785,0 @@ }());


"name": "ask-sdk-model",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.2.0",
"description": "ASK SDK models",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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