A pretty printer for AST-like structures
- Super fast (useful for build tools)
- Concise output (useful for debugging)
- Consistent output (useful for snapshot testing)
import parser from 'parser';
import printAST from 'ast-pretty-print';
let code = `...`;
let ast = parser.parse(code);
let printed = printAST(ast);
FunctionDeclaration (1:0, 1:31)
async: false
body: BlockStatement (1:29, 1:31)
body: []
directives: []
expression: false
generator: false
id: Identifier (1:9, 1:10)
name: 'a'
- Identifier (1:11, 1:18)
name: 'b'
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation (1:12, 1:18)
typeAnnotation: StringLiteralTypeAnnotation (1:14, 1:18)
raw: 'hi'
rawValue: 'hi'
value: 'hi'
- Identifier (1:20, 1:21)
name: 'c'
- RestElement (1:23, 1:27)
argument: Identifier (1:26, 1:27)
name: 'd'
AST Nodes are expected to have this shape:
type Node = {
type: string,
start?: number,
end?: number,
loc?: {
start?: {
line?: number,
column?: number,
end?: {
line?: number,
column?: number,
[key: string]: mixed,