Security News
pnpm 10.0.0 Blocks Lifecycle Scripts by Default
pnpm 10 blocks lifecycle scripts by default to improve security, addressing supply chain attack risks but sparking debate over compatibility and workflow changes.
Advanced tools
A collection of decorators for adding features to asynchronous functions (callback or promise based).
async-deco is a collection of decorators. It allows to add features such as timeout, retry, dedupe, limit and much more! They can be combined together using the "compose" function (included).
All decorators are designed to work with functions using a callback or returning a promise. In case of callbacks, it must follow the node convention: the callback should be the last argument and its arguments should be, an error instance and the output of the function.
Every decorator is available in two different flavours:
var logDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/log');
This should be applied to functions with the node callback convention:
var decoratedFunction = logDecorator(logger, 'myfunction')(function (a, b, c, next) {
next(undefined, result); // or next(error);
var logDecorator = require('async-deco/promise/log');
This should be used for function returning promises:
var decoratedFunction = logDecorator(logger, 'myfunction')(function (a, b, c) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolve(result); // or reject(error);
Then you can run the decorated function.
All decorators use a common way to log whatever happens, using the "__log" method in the context (this).
this.__log(name, id, ts, event, payload);
This methods is called with the following arguments:
This method is used only if present and can be also added by the "log" decorator.
This package contains an helper for adding it manually:
var buildLogger = require('async-deco/utils/build-logger');
var context = buildLogger(undefined, 'name', 'id', function (name, id, ts, event, payload) {
});, arg1, arg2, function (err, res) {
If you wish you can use this feature in your own decorators/functions:
var defaultLogger = require('async-deco/utils/default-logger');
function myFunction() {
var logger = defaultLogger.apply(this);
logger('myevent', {... additional info ...});
You can either:
var memoizeDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/memoize');
var memoizeDecorator = require('async-deco').callback.memoize;
var callbackDecorators = require('async-deco');
var memoizeDecorator = callbackDecorators.callback.memoize;
I strongly advice to use the first method, especially when using browserify. It allows to import only the functions you are actually using.
The examples are related to the callback version. Just import the promise version in case of decorating promise based functions.
It logs when a function start, end and fail. It also enable the logging for the whole chain of decorators (if combined together).
var logDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/log');
var addLogs = logDecorator(logger, name);
var myfunc = addLogs(function (..., cb) { .... });
name: [optional] is a string identifying this composed function. logger [optional] is a function taking these arguments:
For example:
var logDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/log');
var timeoutDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/timeout');
var retryDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/retry');
var decorator = compose(
logDecorator(function (name, id, ts, evt, payload) {
console.log(name, id, ts, evt, payload);
}, 'retry_and_timeout_func'),
retryDecorator(2, undefined, Error),
var f = decorator(... func ...);
Then when you execute the function "f":
f(...args..., function (err, res) {
You can get something similar to:
"retry_and_timeout_func", "asdadfsd", 1459770371655, "start", undefined
"retry_and_timeout_func", "asdadfsd", 1459770371675, "timeout", { ms: 20 }
"retry_and_timeout_func", "asdadfsd", 1459770371675, "retry", { times: 1 }
"retry_and_timeout_func", "asdadfsd", 1459770371695, "timeout", { ms: 20 }
"retry_and_timeout_func", "asdadfsd", 1459770371700, "end", { result: ... }
To make this work, the context (this) is extended with a new method __log. The context attributes and methods are still available through the prototype chain. For this reason inspecting "this" using Object.keys and using this.hasOwnProperty('prop') can return an unexpected result.
It caches the result. At any subsequent calls it will return the cached result.
var memoizeDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/memoize');
var simpleMemoize = memoizeDecorator(getKey);
var myfunc = simpleMemoize(function (..., cb) { .... });
It takes 1 argument:
It logs "memoize-hit" with {key: cache key, result: cache result}
It is a more sophisticated version of the memoize decorator. It can be used for caching in a db/file etc using memoize-cache (
var cacheDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/cache');
var cached = cacheDecorator(cache);
var myfunc = cached(function (..., cb) { .... });
It takes 2 arguments:
It logs:
It executes a "guard" function before the original one. If it returns an error it will use this error as the return value of the original function. It is useful if you want to run a function only if it passes some condition (access control).
var proxyDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/proxy');
var proxy = cacheDecorator(function (..., cb) {
// calls cb(errorInstance) if the access is denied
// calls cb() if I can procede calling the function
var myfunc = proxy(function (..., cb) { .... });
It takes 1 argument:
It logs "proxy-denied" with { err: error returned by the guard function}
If a function fails, calls another one
var fallbackDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/fallback');
var fallback = fallbackDecorator(function (a, b, c, func) {
func(undefined, 'giving up');
}, Error);
var myfunc = fallback(function (..., cb) { .... });
It takes 2 arguments:
It logs "fallback" with {actualResult: {err: error returned, res: result returned}}
If a function fails, returns a value
var fallbackValueDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/fallback-value');
var fallback = fallbackValueDecorator('giving up', Error);
var myfunc = fallback(function (..., cb) { .... });
It takes 2 arguments:
It logs "fallback" with {actualResult: {err: error returned, res: result returned}}
If a function fails, it tries to use a previous cached result.
var fallbackCacheDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/fallback-cache');
var fallback = fallbackCacheDecorator(cache, options);
var myfunc = fallback(function (..., cb) { .... });
It takes 2 arguments:
It logs:
If a function takes to much, returns a timeout exception.
var timeoutDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/timeout');
var timeout20 = timeoutDecorator(20);
var myfunc = timeout20(function (..., cb) { .... });
This will wait 20 ms before returning a TimeoutError. It takes 1 argument:
It logs "timeout" with { ms: ms passed since the last execution}
If a function fails, it retry running it again
var retryDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/retry');
var retryTenTimes = retryDecorator(10, 0, Error);
var myfunc = retryTenTimes(function (..., cb) { .... });
You can initialise the decorator with 2 arguments:
It logs "retry" with {times: number of attempts, actualResult: {err: original error, res: original result}}
Limit the concurrency of a function.
var limitDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/limit');
var limitToTwo = limitDecorator(2, getKey);
var myfunc = limitToTwo(function (..., cb) { .... });
You can initialise the decorator with 1 argument:
It logs "limit" when a function gets queued with { number: number of function queued, key: cache key }
It executes the original function, while is waiting for the output it doesn't call the function anymore but instead it collects the callbacks. After getting the result, it dispatches the same to all callbacks. It may use the "getKey" function to group the callbacks into queues.
var dedupeDecorator = require('async-deco/callback/dedupe');
var dedupe = dedupeDecorator(getKey);
var myfunc = dedupe(function (..., cb) { .... });
The argument:
It logs "dedupe" whenever is calling more than one callback with the same results. {len: number of function call saved, key: cache key}
Convert a synchronous/promise based function to a plain callback.
var callbackify = require('async-deco/utils/callbackify');
var func = callbackify(function (a, b){
return a + b;
func(4, 6, function (err, result){
... // result === 10 here
This special decorator adds a couple of important checks to your callback based asynchronous functions. It captures any unhandled exception that has been throwed, and it uses it as "err" argument of the callback. If the callback is fired twice, the second time it will fire a "Callback fired twice" exception.
var sanitizeAsyncFunction = require('async-deco/utils/sanitizeAsyncFunction');
var func = sanitizeAsyncFunction(function () {
throw new Error('generic error');
func(function (err, out) {
// err will be the error
var func = sanitizeAsyncFunction(function () {
cb(null, 'hello');
cb(null, 'hello');
func(function (err, out) {
// the second time err will contain a "Callback fired twice" exception.
Convert a callback based function to a function returning a promise. (It uses
var promisify = require('async-deco/utils/promisify');
var func = promisify(function (a, b, next){
return next(undefined, a + b);
func(4, 6).then(function (result){
... // result === 10 here
You can also use it in an environment where standard "Promise" object is not supported. Just use a polyfill like (
var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
(function (global) {
global. Promise = Promise;
It can combine more than one decorators. You can pass either an array or using multiple arguments. "undefined" items are ignored.
var compose = require('async-deco/utils/compose');
var decorator = compose(
retryDecorator(10, Error, logger),
timeoutDecorator(20, logger));
var newfunc = decorator(function (..., cb) { .... });
Timeout after 20 ms and then retry 10 times before giving up. You should consider the last function is the one happen first! The order in which you compose the decorator changes the way it works, so plan it carefully! I suggest to:
This is a shortcut that allows to compose and decorate in a single instruction:
var decorate = require('async-deco/utils/decorate');
var newfunc = decorate(
retryDecorator(10, Error, logger),
timeoutDecorator(20, logger),
function (..., cb) { .... });
The function to decorate has to be the last argument.
These special utilities can be used to manage the execution of a group of functions (callback based). "parallel" executes every function in parallel. If a function returns an error the execution stops immediatly returning the error. The functions will get the same arguments and the result will be an array of all the results.
var func = parallel([
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x + 1);
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x + 2);
func(3, function (err, values) {
// values contains [4, 5]
"waterfall" executes the functions in series. The first function will get the arguments and the others will use the arguments passed by the previous one:
var func = waterfall([
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x + ' world');
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x + '!');
func('hello', function (err, value) {
// value === 'hello world!'
"race" will execute all functions in parallel but it will return the first valid result. It is very easy to combine these functions to create a more complex flow:
var func = waterfall([
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x * 2);
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x * 3);
function (numbers, cb) {
cb(null, numbers.reduce(function (acc, item) {
return acc + item;
}, 0));
function (x, cb) {
cb(null, x - 5);
func(5, function (err, value) {
// value === 20;
Using memoize(or cache) on an asynchronous function has a conceptual flaw. Let's say for example I have a function with 100ms latency. I call this function every 10 ms:
executed ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
requested ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
What happen is that while I am still waiting for the first result (to cache) I regularly execute other 9 functions. What if I compose memoize with dedupe?
var decorator = compose(dedupeDecorator(), memoizeDecorator());
var newfunc = decorator(function (..., cb) { .... });
dedupe should fill the gap:
executed ⬇
requested ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
Imagine a case in which you want to be sure you did everything to get a result, and in case is not possible you want to return a sane fallback:
var decorator = compose(
fallbackDecorator(getFallbackResult), // last resort fallback
fallbackCacheDecorator(cache), // try to use a previous cached output
retryDecorator(3), // it retry 3 times
timeoutDecorator(5000)); // it times out after 5 seconds
var newfunc = decorator(function (..., cb) { .... });
A collection of decorators for adding features to asynchronous functions
The npm package async-deco receives a total of 2 weekly downloads. As such, async-deco popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that async-deco demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
pnpm 10 blocks lifecycle scripts by default to improve security, addressing supply chain attack risks but sparking debate over compatibility and workflow changes.
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