Asynchronous handlers
Function factories for performing synchronous operations after asynchronous operations
transform(fn, callback)
Returns a function (err, result)
that can be passed to an asynchronous function
that will pass the error through or pass (null, fn(result))
f1 = function (callback) {
asyncOperation(function(err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
callback(null, syncOperation(result);
var asyncHandlers = require('async-handlers')
f1 = function (callback) {
handler = asyncHandlers.transform(syncOperation, callback);
A function that when called with an error, prints the error in red to stderr
and exits with status 1.
Otherwise does nothing.
Returns a function (err, result)
that can be passed to an asynchronous function
that will pass the error through or pass (null, result[key])