Data Structures | Algorithms | Generics
A library for javascript which contains basic data structures, algorithms and some generic functions which a developer needs : UNDERCONSTRUCTION
Note: Kindly keep updating the library every now and then as I am frequently adding new stuff to the library.
You can Update the library in your project by running the following command in the directory of your project which contains the file - package.json :
npm update athro;
This sections explains the functionalities provided by this library. This library can be used along with any other javascript framework/library such as Angular, React, Vue etc.
Note: All the imports mentioned in the sections below follow Javascript ES6 Format. If you want to use this library inside frameworks which still use CommonJS and do not support ES6 import/export you can use the library's functions in the traditional way - For Example:
var athro = require("athro");
Searching functionalities inbuilt in this library are:
Binary Search
Pass the array of numbers/string along with the element which
needs to be found
import { binarySearch } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: binarySearch(array,element)
Linear Search
Pass the array of numbers/string along with the element which
needs to be found
import { linearSearch } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: linearSearch(array,element)
Sorting functionalities inbuilt in this library are:
Bubble Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { bubbleSort } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: bubbleSort(array)
Selection Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { selectionSort } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: selectionSort(array)
Insertion Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { insertionSort } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: insertionSort(array)
Merge Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { mergeSort } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: mergeSort(array)
Quick Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { quickSort } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: quickSort(array)
Some generic functions which are often useful while development - saves time:
Title Case
Pass a string to convert to title case i.e "hello world => Hello World"
import { titleCase } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: titleCase(array)
Decimal Handler
Pass a decimal/floating point number and decimal places upto which you want to round it to
import { handleDecimal } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: handleDecimal(number,decimal)
Beautify Date
Pass date object to convert it to -> sample : Jan 21 2020 format (Month Day Year)
import { beautifyDate } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: beautifyDate(date)
Beautify Number
Pass number to convert to to a much more readable format -> sample : 10186438.12 gets converted to 10,186,438
import { beautifyNumber } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: beautifyNumber(number)
Currency Symbol
Pass currency code to return the symbol for the currency -> sample : USD gets converted to $
import { currencySymbol } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: currencySymbol(code)
Array Remove Duplicates
Pass an array to the function and duplicates values would be removed from the array that is returned.
import { arrayRemoveDuplicates } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: arrayRemoveDuplicates(array)
Array Difference
Pass two arrays to the function and their difference is returned -> sample : pass ([1,2,6,9,4,3],[1,2,6,3]) returned array is [9,4].
import { arrayDifference } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: arrayDifference(array1,array2)
Count Occurrences
Pass an array and an element to count the occurrences of that element in the array.
import { countOccurrences } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: countOccurrences(array,element)
Bifurcate Array
Pass an array and a bifurcation function by which the array is supposed to be converted into two separate arrays.
sample -> passing (['chair', 'chart', 'chin', 'king'], x => x[0] === 'c') returns [ ['chair', 'chart', 'chin'], ['king'] ]
import { bifurcateArray } from 'athro';
- Syntax - params: bifurcateArray(array,fn)
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