Atlassian OAuth Validator
The Atlassian OAuth Validator can be used as express js middleware for a Node JS application. It serves the purpose
to authenticate incoming requests from an Atlassian Application to the Node JS application.
The flow would be as follows:
- Startup Node JS application hosting a plugins 3 plugin xml file
- Install the plugins 3 remotable plugin in your Atlassian application
- If a webhook was registered in the atlassian-plugin.xml file the Atlassian App will call the Node JS app on this webhook with the Atlassian app's public key and additional information
- The Node JS app should then persist this in a consumerStore (see the example/consumerStore.js implementation)
- The Node JS app should then provide a UI to approve consumers in the consumer Store
- Once approved the oauthValidator.js middleware can authenticate incoming requests with oauth parameters from the Atlassian app.
To use the middleware you need to register the following in your app configuration:
app.use("/issue", oauthValidator(consumerStore));
In this case only URLs under /issue will be protected. A consumerStore needs to be passed in which will be used to lookup
and approve consumers (see example/consumerStore.js for the API that this consumerStore needs to implement).
For a complete working example checkout: