atSCM command line interface
This module can be installed via npm. With node.js version 8 or later installed run:
npm install -g atscm-cli
You may have to run this command as an administrator.
Basic usage
You can find more detailed usage information in the usage manuals.
Creating a new atSCM project
Running atscm init
will prompt you for a project name, description, etc. and create a new atSCM project.
For more detailed information on the init command look at the manuals.
Running tasks
Run tasks by typing atscm [task]
inside a project directory.
Lookup the tasks available in the atscm manuals or by running atscm --tasks
Open documentation
Running atscm docs
will open the API documentation of the atscm module, running atscm docs --cli
will open the documentation of this module.