Autocompletion for the Web
Let's have the best JS, CSS, HTML autocompletion ever!
Try it
The aulx.js
file contains the whole project. It is a concatenation of many
other JS files, although it isn't minified.
You can try to require it in node.
var aulx = require('aulx');
var source = 'var foo; fo';
aulx.js(source, {line:0, ch:11});
State of the project
- JS keyword autocompletion,
- JS static analysis: a simple algorithm for autocompletion,
- JS Static type inference,
- JS dynamic analysis,
- CSS property autocompletion.
To do:
- HTML (including inlined CSS and JS autocompletion),
- CoffeeScript, SASS, … We can go crazy with this!
To the delicate attention of fellow developers
Project entry point: entrance/completers.js
It uses all completers, each of which has its own directory.
Completer entry point: <completer>/main.js
(no surprise there!)
Building the bundle aulx.js
is done with this swift command:
or, if your computer lacks make
node make
Finally, testing completers is either done in batch mode with yet another
swift command:
make test
or, for each completer:
node <completer>/test
# For example:
node js/test
Baked by Thaddée Tyl.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
License. To view a copy of this license, visit