Advanced tools
[4.0.3 - 2021-12-17]
[4.0.0 - 2021-12-13]
[3.0.1 - 2021-09-18]
[3.0.0 - 2021-09-18]
The v3.0.0 is the biggest Update of Aura Helper CLI. This versión implements the Aura Helper Framework created in nodeJS. This framework are robust, faster and better than the old Aura Helper Code. Aura Helper Framework is an open source framework to provide tools to any developer to create applications for salesforce. Aura Helper Extension and Aura Helper CLI use it.
Added Aura Helper Framework Modules to enhance, reuse and optimize code and processes.
Added new command metadata:org:permissions to execute anonymous apex scripts N times.
Added new command metadata:org:apex:executor to execute anonymous apex scripts N times.
Added new option to metadata:local:compress Command for select the sort order for the XML elements when compress.
Added new option to metadata:local:ignore Command for select the sort order for the XML elements when compress.
Added new options to metadata:local:repair Command for select the sort order for the XML elements when compress or to select and use an ignore file to exclude the specified types from checking dependencies.
Added new option to metadata:local:retrieve:special Command for select the sort order for the XML elements when compress.
Added support up to API v51.0 (and older versions) to all operations (repair dependencies, compress...) and support all types and files.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to data:export command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to data:import command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:local:describe command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:local:list command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:local:retrieve:special command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:org:compare:between command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:org:compare command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:org:describe command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:org:list command to use another API Version.
Added API Version Option (-v or --api-version) to metadata:org:retrieve:special command to use another API Version.
Added support to compress All XML Files.
Added support to repair or check error dependencies on all XML Files with Metadata Type Reference. Supported Types: AccountRelationshipShareRule, AnimationRule, AppointmentSchedulingPolicy, BatchCalcJobDefinition, BatchProcessJobDefinition, BlacklistedConsumer, Bot, CareProviderSearchConfig, CleanDataService, Community, ConnectedApp, CustomApplication, CustomFeedFilter, CustomField, CustomObject, CustomObjectTranslation, CustomPageWebLink, CustomPermission, CustomSite, CustomTab, Dashboard, DataSourceObject, DataStreamDefinition, DecisionTable, DecisionTableDatasetLink, DelegateGroup, EmailTemplate, EmbeddedServiceConfig, EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent, EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings, EntitlementProcess, FieldSet, FlexiPage, Flow, FlowCategory, HomePageLayout, Index, Layout, LightningBolt, ListView, LiveChatAgentConfig, LiveChatButton, LiveChatDeployment, MatchingRules, MLDataDefinition, MLPredictionDefinition, ModerationRule, MutingPermissionSet, MyDomainDiscoverableLogin, NamedFilter, NavigationMenu, Network, NotificationTypeConfig, OauthCustomScope, Package, PathAssistant, PaymentGatewayProvider, PermissionSet, PermissionSetGroup, PlatformEventChannel, Portal, PresenceUserConfig, Profile, ProfilePasswordPolicy, ProfileSearchLayouts, ProfileSessionSetting, Prompt, Queue, QuickAction, RecommendationStrategy, RecordActionDeployment, RecordType, Report, ReportType, Role, SalesWorkQueueSettings, SamlSsoConfig, SearchLayouts, ServiceAISetupDefinition, SharingReason, SharingRules, SharingSet, SharingRules, Skill, Territory, TimeSheetTemplate, TopicsForObjects, TransactionSecurityPolicy, Translations, UserProvisioningConfig, ValidationRule, WaveApplication, WaveLens, WaveRecipe, WaveXmd, WebLink, Workflow
[2.1.2 - 2020-10-21]
[2.1.1 - 2020-08-07]