
A simple html reporter for autocannon.
Command Line
On *nix systems, you can use pipes:
$ autocannon -j http://localhost:3000 | autocannon-reporter
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000
10 connections
Stat Avg Stdev Max
Latency (ms) 0.13 0.55 14
Req/Sec 15276 0 15279
Bytes/Sec 1.67 MB 0 B 1.7 MB
15k requests in 1s, 1.7 MB read
Report written to: /some/*nix/path/report.html
On windows, you can supply a file to read
$ autocannon-reporter -i ./report.json
Report written to: C:/some/windows/path/report.html
This tool can also be used programmatically
var autocannon = require('autocannon')
var reporter = require('autocannon-reporter')
var path = require('path')
var reportOutputPath = path.join(process.cwd, 'report.html')
url: 'http://localhost:3000'
}, (err, result) => {
if (err) throw err
reporter.writeReport(result, reportOutputPath, (err, res) => {
if (err) console.err('Error writting report: ', err)
else console.log('Report written to: ', reportOutputPath)
Command line
Usage: autocannon-reporter [opts]
Outputs a report at ./report.html
Available options:
-i/--input FILE
The path to the json results. Required when not piping into this tool.
-c/--compare FILES
The paths to multiple json results to be compared to the input.
Print the version number.
Print this menu.
You can also pipe in ndjson results, the first will be considered the input and
the rest are used for the comparison
buildReport(result, compare)
: The result of an autocannon run. Object
. Requiredcompare
: An array of old autocannon results to compare against. Array
. optional
Returns a string of html representing the results and comparison
writeReport(report, path[, cb])
: The report returned from buildReport
. Requiredpath
: The full path to the output file/report. Requiredcb
: A function that is called on finishing writing to the file. Passed an err
param if it failed.
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MIT. Copyright (c) 2016 Glen Keane and other contributors.