Automatically install dependencies in node.js.
So you don't have to write them in your package.json
so you don't have to use dependency-check,
or so do you don't have to do npm install
Development Status
This is very hacky and uses node's undocumented internals.
Thus, don't expect it to ever reach 1.0.0
Also, this all should ideally be included with node
once ES6 modules are supported.
But who knows when that's going to happen.
This uses child_process.execFileSync()
so is only supported in node >= v0.11.13
CLI Usage
You can install autoinstall
npm i -g autoinstall
Then use autoinstall(1)
like node(1)
autoinstall index.js
is also aliased as a(1)
a index.js
API Usage
npm i autoinstall
Autoinstall packages node.js globally.
Include it first before any other require()
var express = require('express')
And you're all good!