#Awesome Stars!
A tool for adding star counts, and updating redirected URLs, for awesome lists.
Install from npm:
$ npm install -g awesome-stars
Run this tool on the command link:
$ awesome-stars -h
Usage: cli [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --infile [file] Input file
-o, --outfile [file] Output file
-b, --bold [starCount] Embolden links if the star count exceeds the given number
-u, --username [string] GitHub username
-p, --password [string] GitHub password or token
Here's an example usage where stars are added, and links with >5,000 stars are emboldened:
$ awesome-stars -i README.md -o README_STARRED.md -u ColinEberhardt -p ##GITHUB_TOKEN## -b 5000
Given the following source:
## Dependency Managers
*Dependency manager software for Swift.*
* [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) - a new dependency manager for Swift.
* [CocoaPods](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods) - the most used dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift (Swift supported since version 0.36.0).
* [Conche](https://github.com/Conche/Conche) - Swift build system and dependency manager.
* [swift-package-manager](https://github.com/apple/swift-package-manager) - SPM is the Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language.
It outputs the following:
## Dependency Managers
*Dependency manager software for Swift.*
* [**Carthage ★6,615**](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) - a new dependency manager for Swift.
* [**CocoaPods ★7,736**](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods) - the most used dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift (Swift supported since version 0.36.0).
* [Conche ★148](https://github.com/Conche/Conche) - Swift build system and dependency manager.
* [swift-package-manager ★3,931](https://github.com/apple/swift-package-manager) - SPM is the Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language.