@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb + multi GSIs update capability
This construct is fixing https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/12246 by simply overriding @aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb Table addGlobalSecondaryIndex which will leverage the @aws-cdk/custom-resource Provider to sequentially create Global GSIs.
Use @aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb
as usual except for Table
that needs to come from aws-dynamodb-table-multi-gsis
import { AttributeType, BillingMode } from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { Table } from 'aws-dynamodb-table-multi-gsis';
const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'integ-dynamodb-table');
const testTable = new Table(stack, 'TestTable', {
partitionKey: { name: 'id', type: AttributeType.STRING },
billingMode: BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST,
indexName: 'global1',
partitionKey: { name: 'global1', type: AttributeType.STRING },
indexName: 'global2',
partitionKey: { name: 'global2', type: AttributeType.STRING },
Potential caveat
If the existing table already has
- 1 GSI, it will delete it and recreate it with new way of managing GSIs ...
- 2 or more GSIs, update will fail because it will try to delete those GSIs and recreate them with the new method but since it's not possible to delete more than one using the old management system the stack update will fail :( => workaround delete those GSIs from your cdk app before changing to new implementation