A keyboard-accessible, screen-reader-friendly, dropdown menu button library.
Copyright © 2016 Ayogo Health Inc.
- Polyfill for the HTML5
<button type="menu">
feature - Keyboard accessible and screen-reader friendly
- Smooth animation on desktop and mobile
- Supports IE 10+, Safari, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, iOS 8+, and Android 4.4+
To get started, install the package from npm: npm install ay-menu-button
We'll use this HTML as our example:
<menu id="myMenu" type="context">
<menuitem label="First Item"></menuitem>
<menuitem>Second Item</menuitem>
<menuitem disabled label="Disabled Item"></menuitem>
<button id="my-button" data-type="menu" menu="myMenu">Open Menu</button>
Basic usage
Add a script tag to your page to reference the index.js file, and upgrade your
button element.
<script src="node_modules/ay-menu-button/dist/index.js"></script>
var buttonElement = document.getElementById('my-button');
You can import ayMenuButton as a CommonJS or AMD module for use with tools like
Browserify, RequireJS, and WebPack.
var MenuButton = require('ay-menu-button');
You can import ayMenuButton as an ES6 module with tools that support jsnext:main
in package.json.
import MenuButton from 'ay-menu-button';
Framework Support
For convenience and ease of integration with apps already using client-side
frameworks, framework integration files are also available.
Currently we only support Angular 1, but we are hoping to support Angular 2 and
native WebComponents.
Angular 1
Use the ay-menu-button/dist/angular1.js
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/ay-menu-button/dist/angular1.js"></script>
angular.module('MyApp', [ayMenuButton]);
Released under the terms of the MIT License.