Aye, promise!
ayepromise is a teeny-tiny promise library. It promises to pass the Promises/A+ 1.1 Compliance Test Suite.
![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/ayepromise.svg)
Supports modern browsers (i.e. IE > 8).
Why yet another promise library?
ayepromise wants to be as small as possible (~180 LOC, ~1200 bytes minified), staying compatible to Q while fully implementing the spec. It's licensed under WTFPL and/or BSD.
ayepromise tries to be fully compatible with kriskowal's Q in such a way that you can always replace ayepromise
with Q
. (There's a catch: ayepromise tries to strictly follow Promises/A+ 1.1 and will differ where Q does not.) It will not however try to implement anything close to the full feature set. Check test/CompatibilitySpecRunner.html
to see ayepromise's test suite executed against Q.
![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cburgmer/ayepromise.svg?branch=master)
Run the test suite
For the browser, first install dependencies via npm install
and bower install
and then open test/SpecRunner.html
For NodeJS install dependencies via npm install
and run npm test
. This includes the Promise/A+ Compliance Test Suite.