_babe project
basic architecture for browser-based experiments
_version 0.0.16
Table of contents
Create an experiment with _babe
Install _babe
Option 1: Download the babe-project
Download the .zip from this repository
Unzip and move _babe.full.min.js
, _babe.min.js
and _babe-styles.css
in the libraries/
folder of your experiment.
Your experiment's structure should look like this:
- experiment/
- libraries/
- _babe.full.min.js
- _babe-styles.css
- _babe.min.js
includes the dependencies that _babe uses (jQuery, and csv-js). There is no need to install and import jQuery, and csv-js.
includes only the _babe package, the dependencies should be installed separately for _babe to work.
includes styles for _babe experiments.
- Import _babe in your
the full version or no-dependencies version:
<script src="libraries/_babe.full.min.js></script>
or <script src="libraries/_babe.min.js></script>
and _babe-styles:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="libraries/_babe-styles.css">
Option 2: Install with git and npm
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/babe-project/babe-project.git
# move to the project's folder
cd babe-project
# install the dependencies with npm
npm install babe-project --save
You need to have npm installed in your machine. Install npm.
_babe dependencies:
Once you have installed _babe, you can start using _babe funcitons to create your experiment.
You can use:
- babeInit({..}) - to initialize the experiment
- babeViews.view - to create an instance of a _babe view
Experiment initialisation
Use babeInit({..})
to create a _babe experiment.
takes an object as a parameter with the following properties:
- an array of view objects in the sequence you want them to appear in your experiment. more infodeploy
- an object with information about the deploy methods of your experiment. more infoprogress_bar
- an object with information about the progress bars in the views of your experiment. more info
Sample babeInit
$("document").ready(function() {
views_seq: [
deploy: {
"experimentID": "4",
"serverAppURL": "https://babe-demo.herokuapp.com/api/submit_experiment/",
"deployMethod": "debug",
"contact_email": "YOUREMAIL@wherelifeisgreat.you",
"prolificURL": "https://app.prolific.ac/submissions/complete?cc=ABCD1234"
progress_bar: {
in: [
style: "default",
width: 150
Views in _babe
_babe views get inserted in a html element with id main
, you need to have an html tag (preferrably div
or main
with id="main"
Sample index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<-- ask the participants to enable JavaScript in their browser -->
<noscript>This task requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser and reload the page. For more information on how to do that, please refer to
<a href='https://enable-javascript.com' target='_blank'>enable-javascript.com</a>
<!-- views are inserted in here -->
<main id='main'>
Included views
_babe provides several ready-made views which you can access form the babeViews
object. The views use js template strings
trial type views:
other views:
- introduction viewbabeViews.instructions
- instructions viewbabeViews.begin
- begin experiment view; can be used between the practice and the main viewbabeViews.postTest
- post-experiment questionnairebabeViews.thanks
- the last view that handles the submission of the results of creates a table with the results in 'Debug Mode'
Each _babe view function takes an object as a parameter with the following properties:
Sample use of _babe views:
// your_js_file.js
const intro = babeViews.intro({
name: 'intro',
title: 'Welcome!',
text: 'This is an experiment!',
buttonText: 'Begin the experiment',
trials: 1
const instructions = babeViews.instructions({
name: 'instuctions',
title: 'Instructions',
text: 'Choose an answer',
buttonText: 'Next',
trials: 1
const practice = babeViews.forcedChoice({
name: 'practice_forced_choice',
trial_type: 'practice',
data: practice_trials,
trials: 2
const main = babeViews.forcedChoice({
name: 'main_forced_choice',
trial_type: 'main',
data: main_trials,
trials: 4
const thanks = babeViews.thanks({
name: 'thanks'
title: 'Thank you for taking part in this experiment!',
trials: 1
$("document").ready(function() {
views_seq: [
deploy: {
'experimentID': '4',
'serverAppURL': 'https://babe-demo.herokuapp.com/api/submit_experiment/',
'deployMethod': 'debug',
'contact_email": 'YOUREMAIL@wherelifeisgreat.you',
'prolificURL": 'https://app.prolific.ac/submissions/complete?cc=ABCD1234'
progress_bar: {
in: [
style: 'default',
width: 100
Custom views
You can also create your own views.
The views are functions that return an object with the following properties:
name: string
- the name of the view (the progress bar uses the name)trials: number
- the number of trials this view appearsCT: 0
- current trial, always starts from 0render: function
- a function that renders the view
- pass
and babe
as parameters to render()
Add the data gathered from your custom trial type views to babe.trial_data
Sample custom trial type view:
The templates use js template strings
babeViews.pressTheButton = function(config) {
const _pressTheButton = {
name: config.name,
title: config.title, //
buttonText: config.buttonText,
render(CT, babe) {
let startTime = Date.now();
const viewTemplate =
`<div class='view'>
<h1 class="title">${title}</h1>
<button id="the-button">${button}</button>
$('#the-button').on('click', function(e) {
trial_type: config.trial_type,
trial_number: CT+1,
RT: Date.now() - startTime
CT: 0,
trials: config.trials
return _pressTheButton;
const mainTrial = babeViews.pressTheButton({
name: 'buttonPress',
title: 'How quickly can you press this button?',
buttonText: 'Press me!',
trial_type: 'main',
trials: 1
$("document").ready(function() {
views_seq: [
Sample custom info view:
babeViews.sayHello = function(config) {
const _sayHello = {
name: config.name,
title: config.title,
render(CT, babe) {
const viewTemplate =
`<div class='view'>
<h1 class="title">${title}</h1>
<button id="hello-button">Hello back!</button>
$('#hello-button').on('click', function(e) {
CT: 0,
trials: config.trials
return _sayHello;
const hello = babeViews.sayHello({
name: 'buttonPress',
title: 'Hello!?',
trials: 1
$("document").ready(function() {
views_seq: [
babe also includes a small library to create simple shapes as a picture for your experiment.
Check the canvas api for more information.
Deploy configuration
The deploy config expects the following properties:
experimentID: string
- the experimentID is needed to recover data from the babe server app. You receive the experimentID when you create the experiment using the babe server appserverAppURL: string
- if you use the _babe server app, specify its URL heredeployMethod: string
- use one of 'debug', 'localServer', 'MTurk', 'MTurkSandbox', 'Prolific', 'directLink'contact_email: string
- who to contact in case of troubleprolificURL: string
- the prolific completion URL if the deploy method is "Prolific"
prolificURL is only needed if the experiment runs on Prolific.
Progress Bar
_babe provides the option to include progress bars in the views specified in the progress_bar.in
list passed to babeInit
. Use the names of the views in progress_bar.in
You can use one of the following 3 styles (include pictues)
- have separate progress bars in each type of views declared in progress_bar.in
- have one progress bar throughout the whole experimentchunks
- have a separate progress chunk for each type of view in progress_bar.in
Use progress_bar.width
to set the width (in pixels) of the progress bar or chunk
Sample progress bar
$("document").ready(function() {
progress_bar: {
in: [
], // only the practice and the main view will have progress bars in this experiment
style: "chunks", // there will be two chunks - one for the practice and one for the main view
width: 100 // each one of the two chunks will be 100 pixels long
Sample experiment
Here you can find a sample forced-choice experiment created with _babe.
To get the development version of the _babe package, clone this repository and install the dependencies by running npm install
in the terminal. This will install:
Development dependencies
Make changes to the files
You can find the development files in the src/
- src/
- babe-errors.js
- babe-init.js
- babe-progress-bar.js
- babe-submit.js
- babe-utils.js
- babe-views.js
- _babe-styles.css
Code format
Create _babe.min.js and _babe.full.min.js
includes only the babe project package
includes the babe project package + jQuery and csv-js
You can use uglify-es to minify the files.
#install uglify-es with npm
npm install -g uglify-es
#minify the files
npm run uglify