What is babel-code-frame?
The babel-code-frame package is a utility that allows developers to generate a string representing a code frame that highlights a specific portion of the code, typically used to point out syntax errors or other code issues. It can be used to enhance error messages with a visual context of where the issue is located in the source code.
Highlighting code
This feature allows you to highlight a specific part of the code. In the provided code sample, it highlights the word 'Foo' in the given rawLines string.
const { codeFrameColumns } = require('babel-code-frame');
const rawLines = `class Foo {\n constructor()\n}`;
const location = { start: { line: 1, column: 16 }, end: { line: 1, column: 19 } };
const result = codeFrameColumns(rawLines, location, { highlightCode: true });