This plugins helps with automatic #__PURE__ annotation insertion. It add the comment to
top level call expressions and new expressions in assignment contexts (those are considered by the
plugin as side effect free). This helps UglifyJS to perform dead code
elimination more efficiently and therefore reduces the bundle sizes for the consumers.
NOTE: It might break your code, so the caution is advised. Target audience for the plugin are libraries, which in
vast major of use cases do not introduce side effects in top level calls. That doesn't mean that application bundles
cannot benefit from the plugin.
Pure calls
var inc = add(1)
mutate({ prop: 'value' })
Top level calls
Top level call (in terms of this plugin) is one that gets executed during script initialization. So it is every call
located at the root of a file, but also a call in an IIFE that gets executed at startup (including nested ones).
var a = topLevelCall()
b = function() {
topLevelIIFEs = (function() {
var c = (function() {
var d = (function() {
var e = topLevelCall()
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-annotate-pure-calls
Via .babelrc
"plugins": ["annotate-pure-calls"]
babel --plugins annotate-pure-calls script.js
Via Node API
require('babel-core').transform('var inc = add(1)', {
plugins: ['annotate-pure-calls'],
Usage with babel@6
The plugin works with babel@6, you might see unmet peer dependency warning though. If you want to get rid of it, please
install @babel/core@6.0.0-bridge.1
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